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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 20, 1979
Page 10
Speaking briefly just before Mr. Rader's comments at the December 13
employee's forum, Mr. Ellis LaRavia reflected on the year that is now
nearly past. Noting that it had been a year of accomplishment as well as
persecution by the State of California, he drew an encouraging parallel
between God's commission to an ancient prophet and the Church's modern
coromission to go to all nations. Here is a summary of his remarks:
Mr. Armstrong has just completed a trip of major importance. We are a
very small religious group, scattered around the world, but we have been
received officially and with great respect by such a vast naticn as China!
But this isn't the case here where we are about to observe the anniversary
of the state's invasion of the Church.
We know it is prophesied that trials and persecutions would come, but
when it becomes a reality it is always a shock. Some have fallen away
over the years and some have left because of this persecution and various
other trials. Yet God continues to use His Church, even adding to the
body as He sees fit. I was just noticing a parallel between Jeremiah's
corrunission and the Church's today, even though Jeremiah was just one per­
son cal�ed to do a specific job.
In Chapter one God was rehearsing with Jeremiah the job he was to do.
Notice that it was God speaking to Jeremiah (verse 4) and that Jeremiah
was to be sent "unto the nations" (verse 5). God cautioned Jeremiah not
to say "I am a child" (verses 6-7). God knew that Jeremiah was insignif­
icant by himself, just as God is well aware that His Church today has
"little strength." But God said,
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for thou shalt go to
1 that I
shall send thee (God said, "I've got places for you to go'') ...and whatso­
ever I command thee thou shalt speak" (verse 7). We don't always know
specifically where it is we are to go today, so God has to open the door
and we have to walk through it at the time.
God also told Jeremiah not to be afraid of their faces,
for I am with
thee to deliver thee" (verse 8). God knew that taking His message would
mean that there would also be opposition. Nevertheless, Jeremiah was not
to be fearful of going where God told him to go or speaking what he should
speak because He would be with him. The same applies to the Church today.
"And they shall fight against thee... " (verse 19). The Eternal foresaw
that Jeremiah would face persecution and troubles in performing his duties.
But He said to Jeremiah, "I have made thee ... a defenced city, and an iron
pillar, and brazen walls against the whole land" (verse 18). Likewise God
has promised that He would strengthen and protect His Work to accomplish
the job He has given it to do!
God is the same today and still working mightily through His Church and
�r. Armstrong, as demonstrated through this remarkable milestone--the
China visit.