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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 20, 1979
Page 3
Chinese Delegation Hosted by A.I.C.F.
Here in Pasadena the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation, on
behalf of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and Mr. Stanley R. Rader, hosted the
16 delegates of the Peoples' Republic of China at a dinner with the
faculty of Ambassador College. In a series of toasts they referred to
Mr. Armstrong as the young old man with the emphasis on young.
The 16-man delegation of Chinese dignitaries are completing their stay
after a most successful and profitable visit. D�. Kuang, head of the
delegation, commented after completing his tour of the college campus
that of all the universities he had seen, Ambassador College was certainly
the most beautiful. The delegation concludes its five-week tour of the
universities in the United States tomorrow, Thursday, and will then depart
for Tokyo.
Yes, We Really Do Read the Monthly Church Reports!
We frequently receive comments in the Monthly Church Reports (formerly
"Pastor�s Report") such as, "Hello! Is anybody reading this?" Also,
some pastors comment that questions they have asked on the report have
never been answered. This leads them to the conclusion that the reports
are not read or utilized. Perhaps it would be helpful and encouraging
to explain to you how the reports are actually used.
Of the two copies of the report that are sent to Ministerial Services,
one goes directly to the appropriate Regional Assistant. He reads it as
soon as his schedule allows, takes any action immediately necessary, and
then returns the copy to the office secretary who files it by church area.
This copy then becomes part of the semi-permanent record of the church
area's activities. The reports are a valuable resource for evaluating
.a. church area as well as showing the fruits of your labors should it later
experience difficulties.
The second copy of the report is held until the 15th of the month following
the report month. Soon after the 15th, these reports are processed as a
Statistics on the number of new individuals contacted for the first
time and Bible Study attendances are tabulated for the month. Vacation
information is extracted for the Employment Office. The reports are then
read and the comments summarized for Mr. Armstrong. Individually pertinent
comments are forwarded directly to him. It is at this time that most of
the administrative questions are answered or referred to others for answer­
All routine administrative questions should be answered soon after the
middle of the month following that of the report. In some cases, questions
of a doctrinal nature, or ones concerning guidelines for instituting
programs for which no guidelines are available must be forwarded upward
for answering. These questions go to Mr. Armstrong. He decides whether
they should be answered personally and immediately, whether they should be
addressed to the ministry or Church as a whole in one of the general pub­
lications, or whether they need to be held for further information and
discussion before any answer is given.