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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1979
by Herbert W. Armstrong
Page 3
It seems events of importance now are occurring more rapidly than
I can write to convey them to
Following my official visit to the capital of the largest nation on
earth, the government of the PEOPLES' REPUBLIC OF CHINA is sending an
official delegation, this very corning Sunday, to visit the Ambassador
College campus.
Actually this delegation is being sent on a government mission to
Washington D.C. But Mr. Stanley Rader, who negotiated all plans for my
visit to Peking, arranged with Chinese officials for a stopover at
The delegation will arrive Sunday, December 16, at San Francisco.
Instead of flying direct from there to Washington, as originally sched­
uled, arrangements have been completed for them to detour to Pasadena
where reservations have been made for their stopover here at the Pasadena
Hilton Hotel.
Not only was I enabled to deliver before leaders of the largest
nation on earth in language they well understood, the Gospel of the Kingdom
of God, but, in addition, we are by my visit there, by Mr. Rader's plan­
ning in Tokyo and in Peking, and by this official visit of Chinese leaders
to Pasadena, furthering the good will now being built up between the
greatest economic and industrial nation on earth and the greatest nation
in population.
Thus, in carrying out the GREAT COMMISSION, we also continue contri­
buting to the function of being Ambassador of world peace, and a builder
of bridges between nations.
The oft-postponed federal court hearing took place December 7th in Judge
Laughlin Waters courtroom in the Los Angeles Federal Courthouse. The
hearing began at 1:30 p.m. and concluded three and one half hours later.
Allan Browne requested two hours to present the Church's position with
extensive explanation of the extraordinary and unlawful irregularities
on the part of the Attorney General and the receiver. Judge Waters
showed considerable interest in the issues and quizzed both sides heavily
toward the end of the hearing. He said that he wanted to do more reading
of the papers submitted and asked both the Attorney General and attorneys
for the Church to submit additional written information. We expect the
judge's decision late this week.