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problems. This is family life education .and will include areas such
as premarital counseling, enrichment for healthy families, and
preparing for children."
As with the graduate school, a direct aim of the center is to draw
from specialists in the.field to combine that knowledge with the
experiences of our entire ministry. The centralization·of work in
this area will provide a location for ministers on Sabbatical to focus
on their counseling skills. Some of the knowledge generated can also
be shared through graduate school seminars here in Pasadena or out in
the local field areas for ministers.
Another key benefit for the ministry will be an information source
for pastors who are seeking additional help in some of the very
difficult counselings they face on a weekly basis. In fact, a hot­
line type service, exclusively for pastors of Worldwide Church of
God congregations will be instituted as a vehicle to provide pro­
fessional consultation.
Articles for publication in church-produced literature is also seen
as an important activity of the center. Ultimately, entire Chur�h­
wide programs for family growth and enrichment might be developed
through this new center. For the time being, however, Mr. Antion said:
"We feel we ought to start very small, 'as a grain of mustard seed,'
with very high quality and build carefully and gradually from there."
As the new center grows, details of its scope and direct services to
the ministry will be sent to you through the Pastor's Report.
another example of where two ministers of God and His Church have gone
into the world and are producing· truly viable fruit through concerned
community service! The following letter was sent to Pastoral
Administration by the director of the Alcoholism Treatment Center
in Eugene, Oregon.)
I am the Director of Counseling Service at an Alcoholism Treat­
ment Center in Eugene, Oregon called Serenity Lane, Inc. Being
in a position of working with people, I realize one gets a great
deal of negative feed-back and very few positive strokes for the
efforts put forth, so I would like to give you some positive
praise for some of the werk you are doing within your Church to
help with the problem of Alcoholism.
I have had the pleasure of meeting and even participating at a
seminar with Dale Hampton and I was very impressed with the
enthusiasm and dedication he projected in his dealings with the
public about Alcoholism. We are also impressed with the dedi­
cation another of your pastors has toward this problem here in
Eugene: Rev. Larry Walker works with us at Serenity Lane and we
share and learn a great deal from each other.' It's thorough
Larry that I learned of the work your Church is doing with
I firmly believe, if all Church's took the same stand and direc­
tion your Church is taking, it would not be the malignant stigma