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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 28, 1979
Page 4
work to be done yet and we pray fervently for you and God's guidance for
you to lead us and continue to show us the Way into His Kingdom through
doing HIS WORK!
I KNOW that as long as we continue to pour our hearts into this Work,
Christ will never fail us nor leave us!
We will succeed! The Church of
the Living God will prepare the WAY for the Return of the King of Kings
in POWER and in ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL VICTORY! And His Bride WILL have made
herself ready!
We love you and are behind you in all things as Christ leads and directs!
Yours in Christian Love and Fellowship,
Mr. and Mrs. James L. King
The Worldwide Church of God, its leaders and its brethren, are being de­
famed, belittled, harassed and persecuted because of its unpopular and
nonestablishment beliefs. Beliefs which, under the inspired leadership
of HerbP.rt W. Armstrong--Christ's Apostle and personal representative at
this time--have been promulgated with power and impact and impressed upon
the minds of people throughout the United States and around the world by
radio, by television, by the printed word and by personal evangelism.
The Constitution of the United States and the first Ten Amendments thereof
(known as the Bill of Rights), should have been a guarantee that the Great
Commission set forth in Matthew 24:14--"And this gospel of the Kingdom
shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations"--would
continue to be fulfilled at least in America, and yes, even in California.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution makes the Bill of Rights
applicable to the State as well as the Federal Government.
But, government is composed of men and government has been designed by
Unfortunately, there are evil men.
The Attorney General and those
in his camp are men who will lie and invent where necessary, and will
malign even where not necessary.
Unfortunately the American people do not traditionally like to keep much
of the past in their heads because America is a place where it is con­
sidered unhealthy to remember past mistakes--neurotic to think about them
and psychotic to dwell upon them. Yet only a few years ago there was a
Presidential scandal uncovered in a corrupt White House--the Watergate
Scandal--a scandal whose true proportions will never be completely dis­
covered or known because of President Ford's pardon of his predecessor.
A scandal wherein the President and his men were willing to use all their
considerable power to subvert the nation and destroy its two-hundred-year
heritage for their own corrupt and selfish purposes.
Today it seems to be safe for politicians to attack "cults" or other
organizations that appear to be on the "fringe" of what society deems to
be the established norms. Even liberals who have defended others under
the same and similar circumstances in the past are now slow to realize
what lurks behind the attack on "religious cults" and minority religious