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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 20, 1979
Page 4
the same court again in the future. The feeling is that since the
receivership was stayed by the bond, there is not a feeling of urgency
at the Supreme Court to hear the matter right now. The court accepts
very few cases for hearing but the vote was a very close 4-3. Justices
Bird, Mosk and Newman voted for the hearing. Since last spring when a
similar church petition was denied by a 4-3 vote, we lost the vote of
Justice Richardson and picked up the vote of Justice Newman.
We have always felt that any relief we would receive would be from the
federal courts, and it has been proven that we are not getting relief
from the California courts. We already have an appeal pending in the
federal district court.
You must realize that it is very hard for one area of the California
courts to overrule another court or department of this state, i.e. the
Attorney General's Office. We will prevail, but most likely not in the
state courts.
Expense Allotment Year-end Review
Now is the time to review your expense allotment.
check is mailed it is sent in advance of projected
end of the year, the total of all allotment checks
W-2 form as income.
--Stanley R. Rader
When your allotment
expenses. At the
will be added to your
Unless you can sufficiently justify to the IRS the business expenses
that match the expense allotments sent you, you will end up having to
pay the tax on it. In order to prevent this from happening you may want
to review the record-keeping requirements of the IRS and make sure that
you have the proper receipts and documentation.
The allotment check is only to be used for church business expenses.
If you have received more expense money than you actually spent, you
should return the excess to the Church. We will need to receive the
check no later than the middle of December in order to credit the amount
to your W-2 statement. If we don't have it by then we can't be sure the
necessary processing will get done.
What this means is that you will
need to approximate the balance of expenses in the rest of the year.
If you find that your allotment has exceeded your expense by very much,
you may want to consider reducing the allotment. If you want to do this,
please include a note to that effect with the check when you send it.
Anyone who needs an increase in his allotment should send a memo to
Ministerial Services explaining the needed change. These requests are
reviewed and evaluated both by Ministerial Services and the Regional
--Joe Tkach
Here's some feedback on the Sunday Newspaper insert offering a subscrip­
tion to the Plain Truth: The test we did a few weeks ago in the Lexington
area has given us some useful results. We are still getting a return of