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together and serve them. The non-members who attended the lecture will
also be invited. This activity should also·increase our new church
development list. At the end of the sunnner yet another seminar is
being planned. As these new people come to know·our local congre-
gations and who we are, we will also invite them to Bible studies
conducted by the local pastor. Those non-members who are interested
will attend and begin to have contact with our local pastor and hope­
fully, in time, request our literature. We feel-this system can be
a helpful supplement to enlarge church exposure as well as offer our
local members a meaningful way of helping the Work directly just like
our P.T. newsstand distribution program is already doing.
our latest series of lectures took place in the Tampa-St. Petersburg­
Lakeland, Florida areas. The results were also encouraging.
For the first time we tried to hold a series of seminars in five
cities all within orie hundred miles of each other. The composite
attendance of the five was 920 with 486 people (or 53%) being totally
outside the church. Of these non-church people; 30% have signed
up to be on our mailing list.
In addition, we had phenomenal T.V., radio and local newspaper
exposure -- all free, too! The Church was discussed very favorably
and viewed as a real humane, Christian work. Many new speaking
opportunities emerged as well. The University of Florida in Tampa and
St. Petersburg Jr. College had representatives there and they want us
to come back and speak to the entire student body. We are really
getting favorable press and making considerable headway in reaching
out to new people. At the seminars, attendees pick up our booklets
on drugs, alcohol, finances, marriage, bringing them into direct
contact with church material (which is "chained" to advertise more
meaty literature and deepen their involvement). Some at the seminar
even asked about church attendance.
At present we have thirty seminars scheduled for the rest of the year.
We will probably have double that number before the year ends since
more requests keep coming in.
We intend to gradually increase the number of speakers. Presently,
the following men are speaking: Dr. George Geis, Dale Hampton, Dr.
Robert Oberlander, Dave Antion, Steve Martin, Ken Coleman, Arnold
Vandenberg, Ray Considine, Carl Gustafson and myself. We-hope to
increase the number from the present ten to twenty-five by the end of
the year. It is hoped those of you who have some specialized field
in helping resolve daily human problems and are effective as speakers,
can eventually have an active part in the speaking responsibilities.
We do want to build slowly and carefully, field testing everything,
then retaining those aspects which produce fruit for the Church. Let
us know if you think you would like to participate in this program.
We do not want to make the speaking available to everyone at once as
we did the local Bible studies. We feel it is wiser to grow slowly,
see who really feels comfortable with it and continue field tes�ing
all the way. This way expenses will be kept minimal and better
planning will prevail.