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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, Octob2:::- 18, 1979
Page 11
members of the same inner-fi:ate::-nity) attempted to expose every aspect of
this Church of the Living Goel
�hc;:; s "?er
Ii s ior. and control of the State.
Although the receivership has been nstay�d," or in layman's terms, has
been suspended, pending our appe3l i':1 the State District Court of Appeal-­
another court, but higher �r th2 ����e s
be no
receiver pendi1:1g that ,
::::1 ';,�· ·
+-"1!.c:e vears) let there still be
no mistake: The
w2:� �20�
down, and we are in
the vanguard of those
iqiou ..::: i.:, , :
1 _0
s in the cou;-, try fighting to
restore it to what it was :ie�·'.).:::2,
Let there be no mistake. 3y
presently entangling itse:� deeoly
-- .1.::..
Let there be no mistake. 3y this 2=t1c�
the free exercise of religio�
��ate's7 very action�
the State
�he State is trying to stifle
Let there be no mista}��-2
·- --· � ·
to force disclosure of C��rc� ?::::. -�
the Constitution of ths
� -� �
tr.2 S':.:.ate is presently attempting
·::3.:;,:y to the first amendment of
Let there be no mistake.
the Church to its will or
::ti.c::.. the State is attempting to bend
des��oy i� �n the process.
And let there be no mista:<:e,
th:=: final analysis, the physical resources
of the State are far greate� ��an ��ose of the Church. The physical
resources of the Church to �esist =�is machine of destruction cannot hope
to match the physical resources of the State in its efforts to subdue the
Church. But as Mr. Arms\:.rcng sc::1.:.2d ".:h<2 other day, "Persecutors take
notice!" Let there be no ".'isu:..derstandinq, The spiritual resources of
the Church--the power 0£ the l�ving God, the leadership of the living
Christ who is the Head cf this Perk ;�n� this Work is His Church)--let
there be no doubt that the spi�it�al �23our��s will overwhelm the physical
power of the State!
Let thers be no mis take. The ·,8.:J<. :::
living God will not and cannot
be destroyed by r:1 2:1e Ws . who
bee,, ,·a:led to do a job now and in the
World Tomorrow w:. 11 cont: 11.ue :.:-J co " t _' ::.::, "17e shall obey God's laws and
we shall receive His bl2ssi�g fc� so ���J ng. And as Mr. Armstrong said
on more than one occ2.sion, b:..:t c,;·3..LTi.': ,reek, "We shall, if need be,
face arrest and trial and ir:,,prisc:m::·2n,� \nd e"ren death"--because there have
been many death threats against t:12 l.�.s':'e of Mr. Herbert Armstrong, and
there have been many death th.. ::2a : :.:; ,;c,:..Lst my life.
The FBI has been
alerted in all parts of this land, and t�8Y are trying to find out who
the perpetrators of these threats
But, as Mr. Armstrong said, we wil'_ :en t:.nue to ;,ork and he wil1 continue
to carry on his work in '.::'.1lfil U.:1g :i1e ,._:reat Corruc1ission--a Great Commission
that devolved upon him and those �f us �ho have been called upon to support
I want to thank all of you at 'c.his tL:,2 for all of your support during the
past year from all over the count::::.
-y, i c' s impossible for me to tell you
how much I deeply appreciate that s�ppcrt, and how much Mr. Armstrong loves
you for it and how much appreciation he has for it. The letters keep com­
ing, and the telephone calls and the t2leorams and all kinds of manifesta­
tions of support. All I can do once �gain is say, Thank you! Thank you!