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There are some
unequally yoked
marriages, and
Christian and non-Chr i stian partnerships that have succeeded.
But how much more successful would they have been had they
been yoked together with those of like faith!
Practically every person with whom you come in
contact influences you t o some degree. It is important.,
therefore, that you wise l y choose your associates . Remember,
"a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump
(I Cor.
5:6) .
If, however, you are already unequally yoked with an
unbeliever in a harmonious partnership which does not interfere
with your Christian l ife or growth, you may cont.inue until God
makes it possible to do otherwise. Whenever such a relation–
ship develops to the place where you are not able to abet God
and gr
1n grace and knowledge as you must, then, you a ould
"obey od rather than men" and be prepareato. immediately
sever your association i n such a partnership!
Copytish< 1954 •X.dio Ch11rcb of God