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Engl ish is becoming the universal
tongue of t rade, diplomacy, science
a nd scholar s h ip. Pil ots of all
nat ions use it for ai rways communi–
cat ion.... In emerging Asia and
A fr ica, polyglot people take up
Engl ish as the on ly way to compre–
hend thei r neighbors."
( T ime,
29, 1963.)
More radio programs are broad–
cast in Eng lish than in aH other
languages. About three quarters of
the world's mail is wri tten and
addressed in the English language.
One can t ravel into any part of
the world and nearly always fi nd
someone who can speak English.
English is being taught in many
schools, colleges and universities
th roughout vi rtually every nation
on ear th.
is interest ing to note that
multidialect Chinese is spoken by
more people (about 950 million)
as a
language than any
other tongue. But the myriads of
Chinese dialects make it impossi–
ble for many of the Chinese to
clearly unders tand one another's
speech. English is now impor tan t
to C hinese scho lars a nd scie n–
t ists.
Not only is Eng lish wr itten,
broadcast, spoken and understood
on every continent , it has come to
be a
lingua f ranca,
the interna–
t ional language of d ipl omacy,
scholarship, science, commerce
and sport.
Now one can clearly see
God has chosen the English Ian–
guage as the number-one language
through which He would reach the
largest number of inhabitants of
the earth with His fi nal warning to
mankind and the Good News of
tomorrow's world.
Eng lish is a fairly easy language
to learn, even if imperfect ly. lts
g rammar is simple; it is a very
versati le tongue. lt is the most
expressive maj or language in the
world. One of the reasons is that
th e E ng li sh la ng uage contains
words fr om many lang uages–
Hebrew, Sanskrit, G reek, Latín,
French, German, ltalian, as well
as miscellaneous elements of Rus–
sian, Span ish , Port uguese and
Arabic. Also American Ind ian and
other obscure tongues. T h is gives
Eng lish a somewhat international
fl avor and appeal. 1t has bee n
called "a concentration of many
Though aH these things are t rue
of Engl ish, yet it, too, has its weak–
nesses, inconsistencies and limita–
tions! I t is one of the world's most
difficul t languages to spell correct–
A World Language Comlng
A world language is coming-soon!
The whole earth wi ll yet share in
one common tongue- in peace and
Many Bible prophecies show God will send His Son, J esus
Chr ist, back to this earth, this time
to prevent mankind from annihilat–
ing all human life (Mat t. 24:2 1-22;
Dan. 12:1 and J er. 30:7).
A world language is
coming- soon!
The whole earth will
yet share in
one common tongue–
in peace
and harmony.
Micah 4 and Isaiah 11 vivid ly
picture the time when the King–
dom of God will be established on
this earth. This wi ll be an era of
unparalleled peace, happiness and
One of the great blessings that
Almighty God will again g rant to
t he nat ions du ring this 1,000-year
rule of H is government will be a
un iversal, worldwide la ng uage!
This is clearly revealed in the third
chapter of Zephaniah.
Notice this prophecy. Ood will
"gather t he nat ions" and "assem–
ble the kingdoms," to pour ou t
upon them H is "fierce anger"–
because of t heir mounting sins
(Zeph . 3:8)! This prophecy is
unmistakably clear.
re fe rs to
the same t ime as is por t rayed in
Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19-
the t ime when the nations will
gather to oppose the returning
J esus Christ-at His S econd
Coming! T hey do not want any
divine authori ty over them. What
does the victorious Christ do? The
answer is in Zephaniah 3.
The ti me setting for Zephaniah
3:9 is mille nn ial! God solemnly
promises, "For then will
turn to
the people a pure language, t hat
they may all call upon the name
of the Lord , to serve hi m with one
consent. " Yes, God A lmighty is
going to g ive aH nations "a pu re
language" so that they may "all"
call upon His name and serve H im
in unity of pu rpose. There is no
p ure
language on ear th today.
What language will God estab–
lish du r ing the 1,000-year rule of
the Kingdom of God upon the
earth? The Sc ri pt ures do not
direct ly reveal which tongue will
become the universal " pure lan–
guage"! We'll have to wait and see!
But it may be based on English .
For after all , God used Greek to
replace Hebrew for continuing His
written revelation when Greek had
become an international tongue.
Tod ay Engli s h plays a simi lar
But that will not mean that a
knowledge of G reek and Hebrew or
other important languages will d is–
appear! Micah 4:5 would indicate
this. "For a ll people will walk
everyone in the name of his god
[more correctly, God], and we [the
people of Israel ] will walk in the
name of the Lord our God ...."
There will be one internat ional lan–
guage, one t ruth , one relig ion, but
various home languages, using dif–
ferent names for the t rue God may
be here indicated .
T he coming international "pure"
language, as well as any possible
home languages, will not be filled
with vulgar expressions. The pagan
names of most days of the week,
the months of the year and of the
pagan holidays that masquerade as
"Christ ian" will d isappear. No
more goddess of
Through the instrumental ity of
a pure language-a un iversal ,
world language-God will al last
un ite all nations under His uta–
p ian r u le! Bu t not u n ti l the
nations are forced to repent of
their sins and begi n to live at
peace with one another! o