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Readers Say
How Should Chlldren Be
1 enjoyed reading " How
Should Children Be Boro?"
want to share two experiences
had delivering my first and sec–
ond child.
At the birth of my fi rst cbild
went to the hospital and
missed everytbing.
didn 't
remember havi ng a baby at aH.
l felt like 1 was cheated out of
something. Wben 1 went borne,
1 was sick from too mucb anes–
thesia. 1 had a reaction to it.
But when 1 had my second
child 1 prayed to God to help
me deliver and to Jet everything
go well with me and my baby. 1
went to the hospital and told
the doctor 1 wanted to be
awake. 1was awake through the
whole thing.
made me feel
like a woman and that 1 accom–
plished sometbing by helping.
isn't as painful as 1 tbought it
would be. 1 also enjoyed breast
feeding our newboro son. He
slept better than t he first child
(which 1 didn't breast feed) .
Having a baby the natural way
is more rewarding at the end. A
blessing from God, and God's
way is always better.
Connie Conner
Columbus, Obio
The art icle " How Sbould
Children Be Boro?" was very
good. We had our baby at home
is a very rewarding expe–
makes one realize
what birth is. We had to plan
every detail so tbe delivery
would go smoothly. We didn 't
just go to the hospital and lay
the responsibility on the shoul–
ders of a doctor or nurses.
was harder work but well worth
the effort. The hospital may be
more convenient but not more
Nancy and Gary Van Ausdle
Silt, Colorado
1 enjoyed " How Sbould
Children Be Boro?" Really bits
a nerve because when my first
son was born, 1 was scared out
of my wits. The hospital
wouldn 't let me have my moth–
er or husband with me.
L. Lynn Domina
Midway, Georgia
My experience as a labor and
de livery nurse in a family
oriented setting, encouraging
"natu ral" c hi ldbirth with
spouse or friend, in a birthing
room, bonding and breast feed–
ing, without the use of IV's,
anesthetics, instruments and
with a C-section rate less than
1O percent, and my own cesar–
can delivery (local anesthesia,
húsband present throughout)
gives me firsthand knowledge.
Women should be encour–
aged to seek alternative birth
experiences, but they sbould be
led to think neitber tbat "natu–
ral" childbirth occurs only in
the home nor that home birth is
the only or best alteroative. l t is
certain that sorne pbysicians are
indiscriminate in their use of
instrumentation and medication
and surgical intervention, but it
is certainly not true of all physi–
cians and hospitals.
Mr. Calkins states that the
role of cesarean deliveries is on
the ri se and that the rate
percent in sorne
institut ions. In the same issue,
you point out in your articles
("The New S ilent Epidemic"
and "Unmarr ied Sex") that
genital herpes and teenage
pregnancies are on tbe increase,
both of wbich are often prime
indications for cesarean sec–
is also likely that a
percent cesarean birth rate is a
statistic from a large urban hos–
pital , which inherently has a
greater number of patients
transferred there from other
smaller hospitals not equipped
for certain types of complica-
Jeanne V. Chase
Pine Plains, New York
Drug Connection
In your recent issue is one of
the most importan! and reveal–
ing articles that 1 have ever
read on the subject of drugs. To
me it's the last missing part of
an infamous puzzle.
The puzzle: Why is the
United States cursed with the
present drug problem? 1 have
known many of the reasons,
the main one being that we
have abandoned God. But 1
never knew about the West's
drug traffic with China. 1 had
read about individuals traffick–
ing in opium early in the 19th
century, but not to the extent
that you mention in your arti–
cle. The extent boggles the
BeDelia Leon
Yucaipa, California
New Sllent Epldemic
1 would like to express a few
words of appreciation for the
article on an unpleasant subject
"The New S ilent Epidemic" by
Donald Schroeder. It's very
helpful in bringing these terri–
ble diseases to young people's
attention! This is the type of
real education which we seldom
or never find in most litera–
George Grapatin
North Madison, Obio
1 work three days a week in
natural therapy. 1 felt your
August (U.S.] issue of
Plain Truth
was apropos to our
times. The article on venereal
disease alone is wortb a fortune!
lf only every teenager could
read it. Since that is virtuall y
impossible, 1 would li ke to
make it available to sorne of
them anyway. 1 have never read
an article on VD that could be
so plainly understood by the
average teenager or layman.
Ruth M. Paetz
Milrose Park, lllinois
ment ? Is it complete? H ere again
the testimony is the same- the
New Testament has been pre–
served exactly! The early Greeks
recognized no other New T esta–
ment books than we have today.
No New Tes tament book has been
If you want an illustration of
December 1981
God's intervention to preserve his
word, turn to J eremiah 36, begin–
ning with verse 23. King J ehoia–
kim, at a time of national crisis in
Judah, rejected God's message and
had an entire scroll of the word of
God cut with a penknife and con–
sumed by a fire. Certainly burning
tlte only copy of the word of God
wo u ld de s t roy it if anything
would!- he thought.
But what happened? Did it per–
ish forever? No! Read for yourself
the account in J eremiah 36:32.
You can depend on the Bible.
is the inspi red word of God in
carries absolute authority.
By it you are to be