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(Continued from page 18)
superior physical state, have to be
turned down to make room for
Such questions cannot be fairly
and fully answered in today's socie–
ty, which is cut off from contact
with the Creator God.
That's why we keep pointing to
the coming World Tomorrow.
Then- under the government of
God-such questions will not have
to be answered because sickness,
disease and accidents will no longer
incapacitate large segments of the
population. The World Tomorrow
will be a time when the nations will
all learn the way to peace, to phys–
ical and spiritual health, and have
forgiveness of physical and spiritual
sins. Those who are now sick or
handicapped, and live into the
World Tomorrow, will be healed.
Remember , divine healing is the
forgiveness of physical sin- broken
In the Mean tlme .•.
you are one of the millions of
chronically ill or disabled today,
what should you do--what can you
do-- while waiting for the com–
plete solution to al l of this world's
problems to be brought to earth by
J esus Christ?
First, come to understand what
the Bible reveals about the laws of
health and divine healing. God is
not involved today in healing all the
multitudes of sick and afflicted ·
people in this world. This is not
God's world, but man's. This is a
time in which man is allowed to go
his own ways and reap the penal–
God has, however, bound himself
to heal those individuals who turn
to him. But he hasn't promised
only that he will do it.
happen immediately; it may not
happen until the next life. (To learn
more about this vital subject, write
for free copies of the booklets
P/ain Truth About Hea/ing
Principies of Healthful Living.)
Second, whatever constructive
things you can do, do them. Take
advantage of any opportunity open
to you. Push for more opportuni–
ties. Improve yÓUrself. Live life to
the full as much as you are
Maybe the man in the wheel–
chair mentioned at the beginning of
this article is doing all in the world
he is capable of doing. For him it
might be a monumental accom–
plishment to just wheel himself out
to the sidewalk to watch the pas-
The Costs of Disability
sersby. On the other hand, is it pos–
sible he could be using sorne of his
time to better advantage? If noth–
ing else, there are vast numbers of
books to read- in print or, for the
blind, in Braille. There is so much
to be learned and experienced
through reading, rather than risk
letting the mind grow dull through
lack of use. And above all, whether
a person is active or not, there is
the Book of books to study-God's
Word- which gives hope, a pur–
pose to life and instruction about
how to obt.ain eterna! life.
Third, maintain a positive atti–
tude. There is no imaginable physi–
cal condition but what is not made
worse by a negative attitude. Bitter–
ness, discouragement, despair–
these are the greatest disabilities of
To have an att itude that is gen–
uinely positive, one has to have
hope of sorne kind. Something to
cling to. Something to work for, to
live for.
If you would like to learn about
the greatest hope human beings–
regardless of physical, economic,
social or any other condition-can
have, write for the free booklet
Why Were You Born?
lt will give
purpose to your life, making pres–
ent weaknesses and infirmities
bearable. o
f you're disabled, the
best thing to be is
rich . .. ' ' complained an
official at a rehabilitation
services center.
modifications, appliances to
aid in walking, breathing ,
speaking, hearing, seeing,
driving automobiles; the list
goes on and on.
communicate with those
around them to do so.
lights. But she has not been
able lo do even this. Now,
however, there is a device
available that could allow
her her modest wish. 11
but it won't because
Helen B. can'! afford the
$3,000 needed to purchase
Many people with
disabilities are simply unable
to find employment of any
kind. They are torced to
depend on relatives,
charities or meager
government subsidies that
do not keep up with
inflation. Many have no
insurance lo cover the costs
of being handicapped.
Such people also often
need special
equipment -wheelchairs,
artificial limbs, architectural
And indeed, thanks lo
modern electronics, sorne
exceptional aids are now
available or being
developed: devices that can
be operated by a blink of
the eye, a breath or a
movement of the head;
hearing aids that are nearly
undetectable; telephones
that can be operated by the
sound of the voice;
electronic language
processors that allow those
who previously could not
Remarkable innovations.
Also remarkable are the
price tags!
No specialized equipment
for adaptation of standard
equipment comes cheap.
Those who sorely need
special devices to approach
a minimum level of normality,
in at least a few phases of
lile, often must do without
for lack of necessary funds.
Helen B. is one example.
Totally paralyzed from an
automobile accident, she
would be happy if only she
could turn on and adjust her
television set or flick off the
For many sick and
disabled, the crowning insult
is the exorbitant cost of
medica! and hospital bilis,
therapy procedures that
medica! experts consider
essential for sorne measure
of rehabilitation, relief or jusi
the sustaining of lile. 11 is
one of the great ironies of
this present society that
those who most feel they
need such services are
often the ones who are least
able to earn the money to
pay for them.