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The Neglected Key to
Jeff Calkins
It is t ime we rediscovered a key to prosperi ty too many
have thought lessly thrown away!
lieve it?
If you want to go
from a relatively
m iddle-class life
(by North Ameri–
can and Eu ropean
sta nd a rds) to a
much poorer ex is–
tence, one of the
quickest ways to
do it is to get a
On the other
hand, if you want to
enjoy at least sorne
amount of material
prosperity -
odds are much better
for you if you have a
happy fam ily life.
root cause
prosperity, of course,
is God. Obedience to
His laws brings bless-
family life is in God's
When God created
mankind, He estab–
lished human fami –
lies through the ins ti–
tution of marriage.
" 1t is not good that
the man should be
alone," God sa id
(Genesis 2: 18). So
God created woman,
and the first family
carne into existence.
Later, as the hu–
man race grew, the
chief divisions within
mankind were based
on separate families ,
grown large into
t r ibes and nations, as
revealed in the 11th
chapter of Genesis.
When God codi–
fied His law for the
lsraelites, H e gave
seve r a! p r ovisions
that directed the
family: " Honour thy
father and mother,"
"Thou shalt not com-
ings. One of these laws
is ti thing- but there is
11 mit adultery," "Thou
another part of God's
shalt not covet thy
great law of love
1.....--------------- - - ----- - ------'
neighbour's wife," all
that- though seemingly unrelated to the role of the family is m the seek to protect the family relation-
personal finances- is equally impor- creation of prosperity?
ship (Exodus 20: 12, 14, 17).
tant : that part which protects the
Add it ional s tatutes deal with
Hlgh lmportance of Family
family law, emphasizing the vai-
Have you ever thought what Fi rst, let us see just how important ues of respect toward parents and
October/ November 1981
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