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living on whatever good qualit ies
world soils sti ll have. These are rap–
idly being mined out or destroyed .
What will happen when fertile soil
resources are used up or eroded
What if massive fert ilizer short–
ages occur for sorne reason? C rop
production wi ll t umble! No modern
technology will be able to save
man kind qui c kly a fter he has
destroyed his fertile soils!
God Must lntervene
The Creator set laws in motion to
produce and maintain healtby soi ls.
To produce healthy livestock and
human beings. Many fail to see the
relationship betwcen sick soils and
sick animals and human beings.
God warns in the pages of your
Bible what happens to individuals
and nations that break his way of
life and his agr icultura! laws.
"Cursed shalt thou be in the
field. Cursed shall be thy basket
and thy store. Cursed shall be the
fruit of thy body, and the frui t of
thy land, the increase of thy kine
[cattle], a nd t he n ocks of thy
sheep. Cursed sha lt thou be when
thou comest in , and cursed shalt
thou be when thou goes t out."
Why? " ... because ... thou hast
forsaken me [the Creator] " ( Deu–
teronomy 28: 16-20) .
God says," ... thou hast polluted
thc land.... Therefore the sbowers
have been withholden , and there
hath been no latter rai n" (Jeremiah
3:2-3 ). Do farmers and city dwellers
see our weather problems at all
related to what we are doing to our
soi ls and croplands? Hardl y!
God commanded the anc ien t
nation of Israel to rest their land
every seventh year to aJiow it to
regenerate and restore fertility (Le–
viticus 25:2-7). But modern man in
his greed forgets future generations
whilc seeking h is own immediate
wealth. He common ly does not let
land rest properly and des troys the
The Creator warns nations that
abuse their precious soil through
overworking, " .. . your land shall
be desolate, and your cities waste.
Then shaJI the land enjoy her sab–
baths, as long as it lieth deso–
late.... As long as it lieth desolate
it shall rest ; because it did not rest
in you r sabbaths, when ye dwelt
upon it" (Leviticus 26:33-35) .
Only the restorat ion of God's
government on earth through the
return of J esus Christ will save
humanity from th e di sastrous
dilemma that is occurring to the
c ropland s of the world . J es us
Christ must return with full divine
authority to force nat ions and indi–
viduals to preserve and increase the
most precious physical resource
humans have- fertil e soil.
U nder God ' s governmen t ,
everyone will be g iven an inheri–
tance of good land (Zecha ri a h
3: 1
It will rcmai n a fami ly
inheritance and fami lies will have
a large stake in maintai ning and
improving its fe rtility. They will
not wander off in mass to u r ban
cen ters for employment.
Food production on tende rl y
cared-for land will skyrocket. So
fertile will be the soil that this won–
derful prophecy will find fulfill –
ment: " Be hold, t he days come,
saith the Lord, that the plowman
s hall overtakc the reaper ... "
(Amos 9: 13) . And " ... the desert
shall rejoice, and blossom as the
ro·se" ( lsaiah 35: 1).
The alarming destruction of
croplands and the increasing woc of
starvation will be no more! God
speed that day!
(Continued from page 21 )
changed , in a moment, in the twin–
kling of an eye, al the
t rump:
for the trumpet shall sound [here
is the same event we have already
read about], and the dead shall be
raised incorruptible, and we shall
be c hanged."
Here agai n, C hrist's Second
Coming to meet His saints will be
accompanied by sound-a great
sound. Fu rthermore, it all happens
at the " las t trump," blown by a
mighty angel.
When is that last trump or trum–
pet sounded?
Time Order of Events
is important at this poi nt to
brieny note the a rder of events
leading to Christ's return. We find
these events laid out in the book of
Revelation- the last book in the
Bible. The enti re per iod included in
the prophecy is divided into seven
scgments, each covered by a "seal"
(5: 1).
The firs t fou r seals are, in order,
false prophets, wars, famines and
disease epidcmics (6: 1-8). T he
sixth of thesc seals consists of great
signs in the hcavens. These heaven–
ly signs come r ight
the tribu–
lation, whic h is the fifth seal (see
Matthew 24:29).
Still no trumpet has sounded .
After the heavenly signs comes
the prophetic " Day of the Lord"
(Joel2:31). This is the seventh seal.
l t is the time when God intervenes
directly in human affairs. Here is
where trumpets- seven of them–
fi nally come into the picture ( Rev–
elation 8, 9, 11: 15-19).
The seventh of these is the " las t
trump" the apos tle Paul referred
to in 1 Corinthia ns 15:52.
is not
sounded, as thc book of Revela–
tion shows, unti l the cl imax of the
day of the Lord, which is the Sec–
ond Coming of C hrist. The trum–
pets sound a fter the heaven ly
signs, which in turn · come after
the t ribul at ion, not before, as
t hose who be lieve in a rapture
Here is where many have erred.
They claim there are
trumps-<>ne " last trump" when
Jesus is supposed to return silently
and secretly to rapture away His
followers, and another "last t rump"
after the pe riod of tribul at ion,
when J esus returns visibly to earth
with His saints.
But this is not what the Bi ble
says! There cannot be two " last
trump is just that: the
trump. There can be only
" las t" trump, just as there can be
only one last person s tanding in a
line. The " last trump" is described
in the Bible in Revelation 11 :15:
"And the seventh angel sounded
[the seventh a nd
trumpet mentioned in the Scrip–
tures]: and there were great voices
in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of
this world are become the king–
doms of our Lord, and of his