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chological and emot ional upl ift to
the whole of Britain.
And it was my guess that was
the very reason the British gov–
ernment, and the television com–
panies went to the extravagant
lengths in presenting this magnif–
icent wedding show to the enti re
world .
The British people are sorely
depressed. My plane la nded at
Luton airport. Near the ai rport
are the large Br itish works of
General Motors. Just recently
they laid off another 6,000
employees. U nemploymen t and
inAat ion are al a near
all time h igh. T imes in
Eng l a nd are b a d .
People are discou r–
aged . What could pick
up their spi rits right
now more than such a
disp lay of g loriou s
pomp and ceremony at
so happy an occasion
as a popularly ap–
proved wedd ing?
last king of J udah, overthrown by
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.
The throne was moved by the
prophet Jeremiah, through a
daughter of Zedekiah, to North–
ern Ireland.
was overturned a
second t ime and taken to Scot–
land. A th ird t ime and moved to
will be once more
overtu rned by J esus Christ, at H is
approaching second «:omi ng to
ear th, and moved to J erusalem
where J esus Ch rist will sit on that
throne, ruling over all nations of
the earth.
T his is all explained and scr ip-
Bri t ish and Scots-lrish and other
Northwest Eu ropean descent in
the U nited S tates are Manasseh.
Propbecy also foretold the pres–
ent status of America and Britain
in relation to other peoples, and the
present immediate future of our
Few realize it, but the promises
of salvation and eterna! life rest
entirely on the promises made to
Abraham and re-promised to Isaac
and J acob. T he Bible says J esus
Christ carne "to con f irm t he
promjses made unto the fat hers"
( Romans 15:8) Abraham, Isaac
a nd Jacob. But the
promises made t o
Abraham were dual.
The promi ses of
referred to sal–
vat ion and eterna! life
thro ugh Ch rist. But
there aJso were prom–
ises of
wh ich
were not spiritual but
physical, racial and
nat ional.
The pr omises of
were spiri t ual,
per taining to the
"seed"-J esus C hrist
(Galatians 3:16). But
the physical, nationaJ
bir thr ight promises re–
Iated to nu merous
seeds (Genesis 22:
Not in the memory
o f this generation has
a popular Prince of
Wales , he i r to the
throne, marr ied a uni–
versally approved En–
glish g irl. The former
Lady Diana, daughter
of an earl, had j ust
celebrated her 20t h
birthday a few days
befa re the wedding–
j ust out of her teens.
She had been a kin–
dergar ten teacher, en–
deared to little chil–
dren . S he is bright,
cheerfu l and happy in
a ppearance, and t re–
mendously popular in
"One would think the na tion could
These promises were
inher ited by physical
birth by the children of
Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, known as the
chi ldren of Israel--one
of earth's nations start–
ing in the d ays of
Moses. T heir promises
ill afford so extravagant a show of pomp
and ceremony a t this time. Yet
that is undoubtedly the very reason
the government did afford it."
But there is still far greater sig–
nificance to th is elaborate wed–
ding. l do not know whether the
present generation of the royal
family know and bel ieve it, but
l 've been informed that the royal
family of two or three generations
ago d id know that the British sov–
ereign is in fact a cont inuation of
t he d ynasty of King David of
ancient Israel. T hat dynasty con–
tinued to the time of Zedekiah,
October/ November 1981
turally accurately documented in
my book
The United States and
Britain in Prophecy.
This eye-opening book further
shows that the bi r thrigh t promises
made by God to the patriarch
Abraham were passed on to tbe
tribes of Ephrajm and Manasseh,
among the so-called "lost" Ten
Tr i bes- a nd that t he English
peoples of Britain, Canada, Aus–
tralia, New Zealand, etc. a re
today Ephraim, and the peoples of
are specific in Leviti–
cus 26:2- 13.
When David was placed on tbe
throne of Israel, God promised
under oath that David's throne–
his dynasty- would continue from
generation to generation
Let me quote from my afore–
men tioned book the astounding
"Now we come to a seemingly
incredible fact- fantastic-almost
unbelievable, but
Whi le
David was king, God made with