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ma tion a re contained in these hand–
books. T he prim·ary function of a
Bible handbook would be to help
your Bible study.
Concordances list passages where
words a re used. T hey a re invaluable
in locating scriptures that deal with a
specific subject.
Commentaries a re interpretive by
nature and so must be used with
great caution. The bias of the au thors
must be taken into consideration .
Sorne are conservative or fundamen–
ta list , others a re liberal or critica!.
Before purchasing a set of commen–
taries, it is best to get sorne idea of
the author's position. No commenta–
ry should be used to establish "the
trut h." At best , a commentary may
help break open sorne meaning or
insight that has been obscure. At
worst they can lead you down the
garden path into complete error. Use
commentaries judiciously.
A good Bible dictionary is invalu–
able for historical information about
prevailing bibl ical cultures, geogra–
phy, flora and fauna, customs, etc.
There are many on the market, and
most have sorne value.
A Bible a tlas can be of great help
in understanding the geography and
the logistics of bibl ical places and
If you have sorne knowledge of
Greek or Hebrew you will fi nd lexi–
cons of those biblical languages enor–
mously helpful. T he recommended
Greek lexicon is Bauer, Arndt-Gin–
grich. For Hebrew, Brown, Driver
and Briggs is bes t. These are both
authorita tive and expensive. And you
have to understand the Hebrew and
Greek alphabets in order to use them
effectively (though separate English
indexes are available for both of
them). Most lay people will find
these somewhat advanced a nd proba–
bly unnecessary.
Again, no Bible help is the final
authority for doctrine. Every source
of informa tion must be compared
a nd weighed. Each has its rightful
place in the enrichment of persona l
Bible study, but a ll must be used with
caution and judgment.
If you apply these rules d iligently,
your Bible study will take on new life
and it will become more interesting
and rewarding.
(Continued from page 9)
that knowledge, that God is, indeed,
drawing them.
The Ministry of Reconclliatlon
God is even now
the pro–
cess of reconciling the world to Him–
self in Christ. And it is very much a
part of the message of the Worldwide
Church of God to proclaim that God
is so doing. As Paul wrote to the
Corinthians: "Now a ll these things
a re from God , who reconci led us to
Himself through Christ, and gave us
the ministry of reconciliation, name–
ly, tha t God was in Christ reconciling
the world to Himsel f, not counting
thei r trespasses against them, and He
has committed to us the word of
reconciliation. Therefore we a re am–
bassadors for Christ , as though God
were entreating through us ..."
Corinthians 5:18-20).
God draws us, calls us by His
Spirit, exposes us to truth, and then
waits for our response. That's why
Paul said in the res t of the above
quoted passage: " ..
we beg you on
behalf of Christ ,
reconci led to
God. He made Him who knew no sin
to be sin on our behalf . . ." (verses
Reconci liation, and the salvation
which follows, is not automatic. God
expects those few who are now called
to respond by positive action. Those
who a re called must answer that
Each of us has been convicted of
sin by the Word of God . Each of us is
guilty of the deat h of J esus Christ–
of His murder.
But each ofuscan be reconciled to
God and saved from the penalty of
eterna! death th rough J esus
Recommended Reading
Be sure to request the following free
" Ooes the Bibfe Teach Universal Salva-
Jusi What Do You Mean-Salva /ion?
Why Were You Born?
About Water Baptism
Send your request lo the address of our
office nearest you. (Addresses are on
inside front cover.)
A. an Intensa emotion
B. jolnl ng a church or organizatlon
C. suddenly becoming " saved"
an lntellectual commitment
living a perfect lite
None of the above. Converslon
beglns when a Christian receives
God 's Holy Spirit (Romans
8 :9 ).
lt ls also a proc ess of development
and growth.
Converslon l s a much
mi sunderstood subject -even
among professlng Christ lans. We
offer a brlef booklet that quotes
numerous scriptures mak ing plai n
the God-ordalned purpose of
Repentance, baptism, si n, death,
and the hereatter are covered In
detall . Request your f ree copy
" For as many as are /ed
by the Spfrit of God, they
are the sons of God"
(Rom. 8: 14).
lu,J \\h.1t
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Uoe the repl y coupon or wrlle lo:
Paoedena, California 9 1109. There' o no
charge or ob llgallon.