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The Bible is the most up-to-date book
you can read today.
In the pages of this "Book that
nobody knows" are revealed the
causes of all of today's ills- the
social prob lems, the economic
problems and even the threat of
nuclear annihilation hanging over
manki nd today.
The Bible shows where wor ld
events are Jeading, and what the
final outcome will be.
T he Bible is God's revelation to
man of basic knowledge- knowledge
of Jaws and principies that man is
unable to discover for himself–
knowledge that is otherwise utterly
inaccessible to the mind of man.
For example: The law of gravity is
not d irect ly revealed in the Bible.
God equipped man with the powers
and abilities to discover gravity for
But man has never been able to dis–
cover with assurance what he is and
why he was put here on earth–
whether there is a real
human life, or what that purpose is.
Man has not been able to discover the
true way to peace, happiness, abun–
dant well-being and real success. T his
world's colleges and universities can
teach students how to earn a living–
but they invariably fail to teach them
how to live!
Maybe you have never thought ofit
in this way befare. But the Bible is
God's " ins truction manual" to show
His supreme material creation how to
live. Only in the Bible can one find
this necessary basic knowledge. God
inspired the Bible to be the very basis
of true educat ion.
The Bible, then, is the
of knowledge.
gives the true
approach to the acquisition of knowl–
edge in the fiel ds of history, educa–
tion, psychology, sociology and the
health sciences.
reveals basic prin–
cipies concerning business, com–
merce, science, the arts, law, govern–
ment, phi losophy and religion.
T he Bi ble also expl a ins th e
meaning of the chaot ic times in
which we live. And it shows us how
peace, prosperi ty, success and hap–
piness are coming to all the world
in our lifetime!
Yet, ironically, this "Book of all
books" is one of the Jeast known, Jeast
understood of all books. Why?
Simply because whe n most
people try to read the Bible, they
can't understand it. Consequently,
they assume it is out of date and
irrelevan t in our modern age.
People could begin to understand
Bi bl~if
they were really wi ll–
ing to Jet it teach them and if they
accept it for what it says. The Bible
is plai n and simple.
means exact–
ly what it says.
we take it as it
is- letting it interprct
makes real sense.
You Can Understand lt
For more than a quarter of a century,
the Ambassador College Bible Corre–
spondence Course has been helping
hundreds of thousands to become
" bi blical literales." T his unique
course of biblical understanding has
Jed more than a million students in
virtually every nation on earth to ·a
greater knowledge and understand–
ing of the most-misunderstood book
in the world.
T his course is a totally different
method of Bible s tudy.
the Bible easy to understand and
shows how the Bible
relevant to
the space age! lt is dynamic, down–
to-earth. It pulls no punches. I t
tells tbe truth straight from the
Bible . You've neve r seen any
course like it befare!
T he Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course has been
designed to guide you through a
systematic study of your own
Bible- the Bible is the only text–
is. not a study of men's
ideas abou t the Bible, but a study
of the Bible itself.
Major subjects of vital interest in
this fantastic push-button age are
thoroughly gone into and made
clear with eacb 16-page, monthly
lesson. Each lesson di rects you step
by step to the plain, simple answérs
in your own Bible!
This course helps you find the
answers to the really big questions of
life you have always wondered abou t.
It is designed to show the meaning
behind today's world chaos, and it
helps you to see the very
your existence- the
reason why you
are drawing breath.
Students from all walks of life
are enrolled in this course-even
includ ing ministers of religion-
and are enthusiastically d iscovering
new truth in thei r Bibles with the
guidance of each lesson.
They are all learning that there
is hope for the future- that there
are solutions to the seemingly in–
soluble problems of today. They are
learning the keys to understanding
Bible prophecy and the principies
that lead to success, financia! secu–
rity and a happy, abundant life.
What Our Students Say
But perhaps you are one of those who
thinks, A college cor respondence
course is too difficult forme. I'd never
understand it. Or, I'm too old.
have ever thought that way, yóu
couldn't be more wrong. This cou rse
is designed for people of all ages- for
vou! And it makes studying the Bible
enjoyable, rewarding- the experi–
ence of a lifetime.
T housands of our Correspon–
dence Course students have written
to the editor expressing sincere
appreciat ion for t be lessons. We'd
like to share sorne of those Jetters
with you, showing how ou r stu–
dents are actually understanding
their Bibles for the fi rst t ime, and
find ing· that it is relevant to their
own lives here and now! Notice the
followi ng Jetter:
You r Corresponde nce Course
really shows one how to study the
Bible and what the Bible really says.
Most people don't real ize that the
Bible is a book for our day and age.
T hey have never proved that it is t rue
or that there is a God . You give the
now believe that there really
is a God, and that the Bible is His
Word. T he Bible has become a new
book tome. 1never realized what the
Bible said until now.
Apache Junction, Arizona
Read what these two students
discovered with the aid of the Cor–
respondence Course:
would like to thank you for
sending lessons from your Corre–
spondence Course. My educational
background was highly technical in
natu re: and 1 have, at times, over–
emphasized a logical approach to
(Continued on page 12)