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priority should be an attack on
T he Double Standa rd
Obstetricians are
1O times
likely to be sued than other kinds
of doctors, according to the study
by Seattle physician Helen Mar–
icskind. Moreover, over the
course of time of an obstetrician's
practice, whcther hospita l o r
alternative, there is a tremendous
statistical probability of sorne
smal l numb e r of tragedies,
whether t hey be still births, crip–
plings or sorne other terrible con–
sequence. When such occur to a
doctor following standard hospital
practice, there is a good chance
that medica! licens ing authorities
will choose not to investigate. Yet
when tragedies occur to a doctor
practicing home deliveries, there
is a
far greater likelihood
the doctor will be investigated.
argues that "home
births are disproportionately in–
vcstigated. Home births are
investigated even when outcomes
are good, while hospital mistakes
are rarely questioned." NAPSAC
makes a simila r statement:
"What would merely be a cause
of mild reprimand with a hospital
obstetrician is grou nds for sus–
pension of the right to practice
for a home birth doctor."
Probably the worst example of
the double standard is revealed in
the murder charge brought
against midwife Rosalie Tarpen–
ing of Madera County, Califor–
nia. She was put on tria! for mur–
der because of the death of a
baby. At tria!, however, it was
revealed that the baby died, not
because of anything she did or
didn't do, but because the hospi–
tal to which the baby was taken
blew out the infant's lungs by
pumping oxygen in at too high a
The Biggest Story in Medicine
Dr. Mendelsohn claims the alter–
native birth controversy "is going
to be the biggest story in medi–
c ine in the 1980s." As of thc
moment, the outcome is in doubt,
though both sides are mobilizing
for what seems to be a particu–
larly hardfought conflict. One
natural chi ldbirth physician has
already vowed he will "go under–
ground" if statc medica! authori–
ties try to stop his practice.
Of course, in a better world,
say the world after Jesus Christ
returns, the natural childbirth
people will have won hands down.
n that world, mothers will be
healthy and there will be no need
for hospitals. Childbirth will be a
peaceful, family-oriented, love–
filled event renecting, as it does,
a part of God's own plan for man.
l t will not be the terror-filled
nightmare that it
be in many
hospitals today.
For the here and now, thou–
sands of parents have already
experienced, firsthand, the gener–
al superiority of natural child–
birth. As it so happens , the
world's most beautiful, intelligent
and well-disposed baby, Kather–
ine Anne Calkins (my daughter!) ,
was born in an alternative birth
center, and
(as well as her
mother) profited immensely from
the experience.
Later, her mother, outraged
that state medica! authorities
would seek, by a pattern of
harassment against alternative
birth physicians, to deny her next
child the same cxperience, dashed
off t he following message to hcr
physician who attended her first
birth, the cloqucnce of which
speaks for itsclf:
" How can a mother describe
to others the beauty of the mar–
velous, golden moments of child–
birth. And thcn the triumphant
feeling of holding, touching and
loving the newborn after birth . I
was not to be cheated out of
this. 1 truly appreciated you and
your staff in allowing me to go
my full term and delivery with–
out drugs or being tied down.
Also having thc father there was
a great help to me and a won–
derful experience for him. A
bond of family love was formcd.
My delivery was quicker and
easier by far than the average.
And my baby is very healthy
and happy. Dr. Abdul, your
methods must be given proper
In an age of so many differing sexual "val–
ues" where do you find real guidance?
What does the Bible say about sexual involve–
ment- and lasting fu lfillment ? Not one person
in a thousand understands the complete God–
ordained purpose for sex. Do you?
&nd for the free
ls &x Sm?
today. Mall your rtquest
The Plam Truth
you (see inside front coYer for
use the handy r<qutst eard in this issue.