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human almost exclusively by sex–
ual contact. However, oral-genital
sex practices can spread either
herpes vi rus to reverse areas. And
hand contact with infected areas
can spread either virus to other
mucous membrane areas during
infectious periods. It is very dan–
gerous to pass such an infection
to the eyes.
In infected persons, eit her
virus can be t riggered to develop
infectious sores or blisters after
sorne physical or emotional
stress- emotiona l upset, drug
therapy, too much sunlight or
heat o r hea lth problems for
instance. The body after a time
knocks the virus down enough to
force it into remission, but the
virus is not destroyed.
dormant in the body until sorne
stress reactivates it agai n.
Though frequently painful and
emotionally disturbing, genital
herpes sores really present the
greatest physical threat to newborn
babies of infected mothers. Half of
babies passing through an infected
birth canal will become infected
and one quarter of them will die or
receive serious brain damage. The
type 2 virus also has been found to
have a high correlation with cancer
of the cervix in women, although
this vi rus has not been absolutely
identified as the cause.
Because of the sudden serious–
ness of the herpes problem, the
American Social Health Organi–
zation has established a program
called HELP to give advice to
herpes sufferers on various meth–
ods that may reduce their mental
and physical complications. Their
address is: HELP, 260 Sheridan
Avenue, Suite 307, Palo Alto,
California, 94306. Phone: (4 15)
32 1-5 134.
All Sex Not Equal
Pressure groups regularly demon–
strate for legalization and total
social acceptance of almost any sex–
ual activity by consenting persons in
'J)rivate-even acts that used to be
understood, and correct ly so, as
damaging to stable family life and
social cohesiveness.
In England, a gover nment
Augusl. 1981
appointed committee of judges
and lawyers recently suggested
relaxing the laws on incest to
make it legal for members of a
family above a certain age to
engage in sex with each other if
they want to.
This is a sign of sick leadership
in our times! Don't these men
understand the well-documented
mental and emotional trauma,
and ruined later marr iages, pro–
duced by incest? Why have these
men blinded their eyes to the
more and more cases of venereal
diseases being reported in the
young incest victims?
"Two, four, six, eight. Gay is
just as good as straight!" shout
homosexual activists in pararles
and marches for social accep–
tance. But not all sex is equal!
Each variety of misused sex pro–
duces serious problems. And
whenever an STO is introduced
into a promiscuous gr.oup it even–
tually proliferates.
The promiscuous sexual con–
tacts of the majority of maJe
homosexuals has produced a VD
rate (particularly syph ilis and
hepatitis-B) many times greater
(sorne health officials estímate lO
or even more times greater) than
for heterosexual men and women.
Intestinal diseases such as dysen–
teries are also much more fre–
quently passed between homosex–
ual men because of the nature of
homosexual practices. Now stud–
ies ind icate more heterosexuals
are engaging in these practices.
God made the human body.
The Creator instructed humans
in its proper use. Mouths are
made for communication, eating
and chewing food. The int<?stinal
tract was made for eliminating
human wastes, toxins and dis–
eases. The maJe and female sex
organs were made to be united in
faithful, holy wedlock and !ove;
they are not for lust, perversion
or promiscuity. These words have
· to be said because almost nobody
else is saying them!
Protect Yourself
Today it takes vision and courage
to swim against the tide of mod-
ern permissiveness and adhere to
high moral, sexual and physical
health standards.
God's laws and ways show us
how to avoid most of these dis–
eases, or at least cut down to a
mínimum one's chances of con–
tracting them.
God's way is for meó and
women not to engage in sexual
relations- much less perverted
sexual relationships-with others
before marriage. God's way is not
engaging in indiscriminate fond–
Iing or kissing of other human
beings. l f a person has any kind of
sore, discharge or communicable
disease (or something they are
not sure of), it is not God's way to
be running around kissing or
closely contacting others.
Face the world of reality. Very
freque ntly what's passing for
" having fun," or a " love-in" at a
park, a party or the back seat of a
car is resulting in a disease that
threatens many meo and women,
you ng and old, with nerve or
brain damage, sterility , heart
trouble, late developing health
problems or worse-death!
lsn't it time you learned essen–
tial knowledge about these dis–
eases and taught your children, at
appropriate ages, about them?
lsn' t it time you told them that
love, sex and marriage used God's
way can be a thing of great beau–
ty and security, not a thing to be
feared or scorned?
This article can only touch the
highlights of what you need to
know about STDs. Our free
booklet entitled
The Silent Epi–
contains added information
on most of these diseases.
tains charts, diagrams, informa–
tion explaining common miscon–
ceptions about venereal d isease,
unusttal modes of transmissions,
VD's tragic role in history, and
VD phone hotlines for many
major U.S. cities.
As never before in human his–
tory, you can't afford not to
understand these diseases. You
can't afford not to live by the way
of life that will p"revent the "silent
epidemic" from ruining your
life! o