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type 2, magnified, and fragic consequences toa newborn baby (right). Half of babies passing through
infected birth canal become infected; one quarter die orare brain damaged.
heard about herpes simplex type 2,
or chanceroid or lymphogranuloma
venereum? Then there is granulo–
ma inguinale, hepatitis-B and
cytomegalovi rus. Bu t the 1 ist of new
sexually transmissible plagues does
not stop here. Add to our list monil–
ia, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, shi–
gella dysentery, amebic dysentery,
pubic lice and scabies!
All of these diseases or infesta–
tions (and others suspected but
not yet absolutely proven) can be
transmitted sexually or by close
intimate contact with infected
STO Defined
Medica! and health officials have
shifted away from discussing these
diseases by the term venereal dis–
ease. The term coming into use now
is sexually transmitted disease
(STO). Sorne health officials, how–
ever, poin t out that the term sexual–
ly transmissible disease is an even
more accurate description. The rea–
son is because not all STOs are
exclusively transmitted by sex–
related contact.
Statements about t he causes
for the spread of STOs must not
be oversimpl ified. Not all STO
infections are -always avoidable,
even by the most moral or
faithful of persons.
August. 1981
While sorne of the diseases are
almost entirely spread by sexual
contact with infected persons–
syphil is , gonorrhea, herpes sirn–
plex type 2, _for instance- some
are also capable of being picked
up by nonsexual contact. (And in
a few very rare cases, even syphil–
ís, gonorrhea or genital herpes
can be picked up by nonsexual
Virgin men and wornen and
faithful mates have gotten sorne
cases of monilia, urethritis
(NGU), trichomoniasis or vene–
real warts. Scabies, caused by a
rnite, and pubic lice are infesta–
tions that can be picked up not
only by sexual rel ations, but by
clase body contact with infected
persons or infected bedding or
Monilia is the result of an
overbl oorning yeast organism
that norrnally lives harmlessly in
the "flora" of the genital region,
especially in women.
f the nat–
ural microbiotic balance is upset
by sorne means-stress, drugs,
pregnancy or tight clothing, for
instance- the yeast orga ni sm
may rapidly overgrow creating a
discomforting infection that can
be easily transmitted sexually.
Since the disease called non–
gonoccocal urethritis is caused by
different organisms (sorne
known , sorne unknow.n) these
infections rnay be caused and
spread in similar manners.
The rnicroorganisrn causing
trichomoniasis may live harmless–
ly in the genital flora of sorne
person, but not others. Or it may
suddenly fiare up for sorne reason
or be spread in infected clothing
or water. T his infection is esti–
rnated to occur in about three
million Americans each year.
Could it be possible that sorne
new STDs are being generated
because so many rnillions are
upsetting the natural microbiotic
balances of their bodies with
eve r more powerful drugs,
wrong diets or improper ways of
living? H ealth officials admit
there is much yet to be learned
about many newer, or at least
newly recognized, STOs. Yet,
the fact sti ll remains.
wasn't so much sexual promiscu–
ity the spread of such types of
diseases would be much more
High Chances
While individual cases of STOs
have nothing lo do with immoral
behavior or faithlessness between
marr iage partners, rnuch of the "si–
lent epidemic" is caused by irre-