Readers Say
1 seldom respond to a magazine,
really appreciated your article in
the latest
Plain Truth,
"What Price
Your Birthright?" 1 agree with your
view of the harm done to children by
placing them in day-care centers at a
young age.
The question is, "Are young chil–
dren before the age of five emotional–
ly developed enough to fend for them–
selves among strangers?"
think tbe
answer is no. Not without the nearby
presence of a consoling parent.
offer this personal observation for
your consideration. A child is thrust
into a day-care center unprepared for
the experience. By nature, the instinct
of self-preservation takes over and the
name of the game becomes "to get
across." (One of the young teens'
most popular expressions.) The first
act is to put on an air of pleasant
acceptance before the parent, since
the child is experiencing this "near
abandonment" and must not upset
the parent lest the child face total
abandonment, the ultimate fear in a
child's mind.
The second act is to "get across"
with the teacher in one way or anoth–
er. Often this means trying unnatural–
ly hard to show good results. Day-care
proponents use this "do better" factor
(Continued from page
tress. He also can help you
( 1
rinthians 10: 13).
God can provide refuge and
strength in time of stress. There–
fore there is no need to fear the
earth-shattering events that may
befall us (Psalms - 46: 1, 2). God
"gives strength to the weary and
increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and wea-
August. 1981
to support their position, not realizing
the difference between doing well for
a sense of pride and doing well out of
fear of being abandoned-in order to
"get across," for the moment. How
dare they compare this to feeling
The young girls of this same gener–
ation haven't the slightest inkling of
motherhood . Most of the time,
motherhood means "getting across,"
which they've learned earlier; having
a baby to insure a steady welfare
check and then leaving the baby with
a relative. Or deserting the cbild for
realize the bleak picture l'm
painting here but it's the truth. Pick
up any newspaper and it will bear me
out. I'd like to offer this thought to
day-care center users. One day when
they themselves are old and unable to
fend for themselves, those same sons
and daughters, having learned at a
young age that it's alright to be put
away someplace, will return the favor
upon their heads.
Rudy Clark
New York, N.Y.
Crisis in Southe rn Africa
Now that Secretary of State Alex–
ander M. Haig
J r.
has stated publicly
that the Soviet empire is "training,
ry, and young men stumble and
fall; but those who hope in the
Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like
eagles; they wi ll run and not
grow weary, they will walk and
not be faint" (lsaiah 40:29-31,
New International Version). ·
T hat's why Paul was able to
" 1
can do
Christ who strengthens me"
(Philippians 4:13, NKJ V). With
God's help we learn how to cope
with fears, worries and stress.
funding and equipping" the forces of
terrorism and that international ter–
rorist act ivity is in the forefront of
concern in U.S. foreign policy, we are
hopeful that publications like your
own can focus public attention on the
Soviet effort to take over Namibia.
Namibia has the largest uranium
mine in the world, vast diamond, cop–
per and zinc deposits, and the deep
water port off its west coast capable of
basing Russia's nuclear submarines
where tht<y can bisect the oil lifeline
from the Persian Gulf to the U.S. and
the NATO countries. We are so con–
cerned with this type of activity, we
have written a letter to President Rea–
gan and circulated it to many U.S.
The people of the United States
have a significant national security
interest in the question of whether the
Soviet empire takes over Namibia by
the use of terrorism. l f it does, and
the Western countries stand by, you
can be sure-when SWAPO, the
Soviet-bloc surrogate carrying out
Moscow's terrorist program against
Namibia, succeeds-Africa will ulti–
mately be lost to the Soviets.
Council of Ministers
Government of SouthWest Africaj
By: Kuaima Riruako
Living the revealed way of life
will never be easy. Paul compared
it to running a race
9:24 and Hebrews 12:1) . But the
race of life isn' t on a clear and
smooth track. It's more like a
country run or obstacle race.
There are hurdles to jump over
and obstacles to run around
befare reaching the finish line.
And so it will be that a l! who
endure t he stress.es and strains of
running this race to the end will
be winners.