ods of separating refuse and turn–
ing it back into productive use are
also sorely nceded , say experts.
As it now stands, separating the
multiple millions of tons of sol id
wastes and garbage into clean and
reusable segments is difficult and
prohibitively expensive.
Sorne interesting systems have
al ready been developed for the
collection and productive use of
trash. Onc sys tem- in use in
parts of Sweden, Western Europe
and the United States-involves
the pipel ine collection of trash.
Trash is dropped into a chute and
whis ked away a t hig h s peed
t hrough underground vacuum
tubes into a modero, pollution
free incinerator plant. The heat
generated is used to produce hot
water and space heating for the
households supplyi ng the trash.
Other technologies for dealing
with waste are on the drawing
boards or in limited experimental
use, including various types of
crushers, pulveri zers, magnetic
separators and the like. But the
days of efficient wide-scale col–
lection and recycling is s till in the
future. At present, new technolo–
gies simply cost more than bury–
ing trash.
Your Role
Meanwhile, what is your respon–
as a human being?
Each of us has an
responsibility, regardless of what
the majority might be doing. You
can set an
to your neigh–
bors. Declare war on waste!
Firstly, become a dedicated
recydist! Begin with your daily
newspaper. Newspapers and other
pa per produ c t s account for
upwards of half of all household
trash- by far the largest single
component in solid waste. News–
print collection centers are found
in most cities. Save your old news–
papers and drop them off periodi–
cally. l f your ci ty or town does not
have such a service, write to your
newspaper about it.
Buy deposit bottles whenever
possible. And if you buy bever–
ages in nonreturnable aluminum
save them!
Crush them
( they take up less space that
way), then return them to alumi-
num recycling centers. You wi ll
be paid for them by the pound.
Start a compost heap in your
backyard. Organic materials such
as egg shclls, meat by-produc ts,
fruit and vegetable was te and
othe r food scr aps s hould be
returned to the soil. Check wi th a
knowledgeable friend or get a
book on composting from your
library. And be sure to check
with city aut horities regard ing
any local regulations.
Don't was te food. Give more
attention to the proper quantity
to prepare for yourself and your
family. And take sorne time to
educate you rself about foods.
People with a knowledge of food
waste the least. Many homemak–
ers, for example toss out food sus–
pecting it is spoiled when it is not.
Many families takc pains to save
pennies at the s tore on their food
bilis, then waste
worth of
food when they get home!
Follow the adage: "Use it up,
wear it out, make it do or do with–
out." Don't automatically junk
old toys, clothing or furni ture.
Always ask, "Can someone use
this?" Contribute reusable and
repairable items to charitable
Don't litte r. Teach your chil–
dren not to litter. And pick up
litter when you come across h .
Make this a
Leave your
environment just a Jittle neater
than you found it. This means
your neighborhood, your sc:hool,
you r place of employme nt–
wherever you happen to be!
Refuse to buy products that
are needlessly and excessively
packaged and wrapped. Write let–
ters of complai nt to the manufac–
turers. Apply so rne pressure!
Your opinion counts!
lf you purchase a shoddy prod–
uct that wears out prematurely,
let the manufacturer know about
it! Many products are designcd
with "bui lt-in obsolescence"–
from automobile t ires to shoes to
children 's toys. Manufacturers
could make a major contribution
toward solving the trash problem
by making things
so they
don't wear out as quickly. Often
all that is required is a better
design, a better formu la
ent mate ri als- not
n~cessaril y
higher-priced materials.
In summary, develop "garbage
conscious ness . " H eig ht e ned
awareness as a consumer can save
you money as well as make a per–
sonal contribution to the environ–
Cleansing Aheadl
Speaking realistically, individual
recycling and conservat ion efforts
have made little difference when
viewed in terms of the Big Picture.
But don' t use this as an excuse to
follow the crowd and to pollute as
muchas the next person!
You mus t begi n by harness–
your own
human nature- a
nature gcared to
with little thought to the detri–
menta l effects to others.
wi ll ultima tely be judged by
you yourself d o- your
attitude and
li fe–
not by the actions of those
around you.
Unless we individually and col–
lectively mend. our ways and
reorder ou r priori t ies, we are in
for serious trouble in the years
just ahead! We Jive in a
world. God has set laws to keep
nature in balance. We are break–
ing them! Consequently, more
than ever before, "the whole cre–
ation groans and travails in pai n"
(Romans 8:22) .
Tf we continue to squander our
resources, we will soon have to
face the consequences-a crisis of
staggering dimensions that will
plunge the world into an unbe–
lievable e nvironmental nig h t–
The out look is not good. But
there is still hope! The earth, its
atmosphere, rivers and oceans
be cleansed and purified! We
have a definite
by the
God who made the universe.
For a look beyond today's bad
news at the world under God's
rule, when all men and women
will be forced to face reality and
to discover happiness, write for
our free book,
The Wonderful
World Tomorrow- What
Be Like.
Find out how you can
qualify now to help set the earth
aright in the World Tomorrow,
now just ahead! o