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well-prepared ground, for recent–
ly among the European allies, too,
there is felt a pressing neea to
take on a stronger foreign policy
What Lies Ahead
A European bid for greater
influence in the Middle East
should come as no surprise to stu–
dents of Bible prophecy.
The Middle East in general
and Jerusalem in particular is the
of all Bible proph–
ecy. Through propbecy we
what is lo take place in the
critica! Mideast region!
Prophecy tells us that despite
the efforts of men of peace and
goodwill both within the Middle
East and in concerned nations
outside, forces beyond tbe ability
of responsible statesmen to con–
trol will ultimately propel the
region into a
supreme crisis!
J esus Christ reveals that Jeru–
salem wi ll , yet in the future, be
"encompassed with armies" and
"trodden down of the gentiles"
21:20, 24).
The prophet
Zechariah shows that all nations
will be gathered against Jerusa–
lem to battle, and the city shall be
(14: 1-2).
How wi ll these events come
Bible prophecy foretells a final
rebirth of the ancient Roman
Empire in Europe- a confedera–
tion of
nations or groups of
nations to be headed by a super–
dictator called the " Beast" (Rev–
The prophet Daniel
reveals that at "the time of the
end" this revived Roman Empire
wi ll become involved militarily in
the Middle Eas t- to the detri–
ment of
Arab and Israelí !
Daniel calls the restored Roman
Empire "the king of the north"
is likely that future Arab
pressure on Europe to force
Israel to come to terms would
involve a curtailing of vital oil
shipments. The result would be
head-on collision between Eu–
rope and the Middle East.
Europe would see little alterna–
tive but to militarily insure the
continued flow of crucial oil
across its borders.
June/ July 1981
Ult imately, the Middle East
wi ll become the focus of an aH–
out struggle by various world
powers for world supremacy.
Only the intervention of the
Hand of God in world affairs will
prevent the total annihilation of
all mankind!
Utopia Ahead
is coming
between Is rael
and her neighbors. The Middle
East is destined to become a sta–
ble and prosperous region, free of
strife and threats of war!
But first the peoples of that
war-torn region will suffer a
period of unparalleled chaos and
tribulation, a time of trouble
"such as was not s ince the
beginning of the world to this
ti me, no, nor ever shall be"
Lasting peace will come to the
Middle East-and to the world
as a whole-on/y with the
return of Jesus Christ as Mes–
siah to rule the earth! For a
detailed look at that utopian
future, request our free booklet
The Wonderfu/ World Tomor–
row- What
Wil/ Be
(Continued from page 18)
the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall
in no case enter into the kingdom
of beaven" (Matthew
Therefore, if the Pharisees
ought to have tithed and not
neglected the weightier matters
of the law, anyone who seeks to
obey God and follow Christ must
also tithe and keep the weightier
matters of the law if he hopes to
attain the righteousness and
Ki"ngdom of God"
A Practica! Law
But how ca.n giving God 1
cent of your increase enable you
to beat the high cost of living?
How can one possibly meet
today's rising costs by giving to
God part of one's income?
God states in a prophecy for
our day in Malachi 3: 1
that He
will "pour you out a blessing" if
you are willing to prove His
promise by paying a tenth to
Him. This blessing can come
from many different directions.
God promises in the next verse
that He will protect your goods
and sources of income.
He can also provide what you
lack and need in unforeseen and
marvelous ways. And si nce God is
the source and giver of wisdom
you can also ask for
and get a wiser insight in how to
use the remainder of your
income. And how to eat to stay
healthier and cut out needless
medica) bilis. Material goods take
on a different look when God
guides your mind. You'll cometo
see more clearly what 's important
to spend money on and what
Tithiñg is somewhat s imilar to
keeping the seventh-day Sabbath.
Man thinks he has to work all
seven days of the week to make
ends meet.' But God says that
man should work only six and rest
the seventh (Exodus
he does so he' ll be more rested
and refreshed and better able to
make more efficient use the next
week of the six days he works.
The same is true in matters of
finance and economics. Most
people think they have to use all
their increase to get the bilis paid.
But God promises that He will
enable you to Jive well or better
on 90 percent of your increase if
you will work hard and honor
Him by presenting to Him the 1
percent that is rightfully His.
God is a living and practica!
God. He knows what you need.
So if you really want to beat the
high cost of living, you need to
begin tithing to where Christ is
doing His work of announcing the
good news of the coming King–
dom of God. The world is in its
financia) mess because it has cut
itself off from God's i.nstruction
and b lessing.
has forgotten that
He is the owner and sustainer of
the universe, and the blesser of
those who obey Him.
Therefore, if you want God to
help you get' through this time of
economic hardship, don't neglect
to seek His will and obey it, and
honor Him with a tenth of your