is written, Death is swallowed
up in victory. O death, where is
thy sting? O grave, where is thy
victory?" (
Corinthians 15:52-
Grandma Peterson before her
death beat that worst of all can–
cers- the cancer of the human
spirit whose poisonous spiritual
cells are revealed in Galatians
5: 19-21.
also, must struggle
against that cancer. Others do too.
That cancer is far worse in human
lives and minds than any physical
cancer of the body. That cancer has
prod uced every evil in human
lives- in yours and mine-today.
We are all victims of the worst
cancer. Only, many don't recog–
nize the disease or how serious it
is unless it is spiritually healed.
You can't heal yourself of this
fatal disease.
But with God's help itcan be con–
quered and healed. How? By asking
God to give us the spirit of repen–
tance (Romans 2:4,
T imothy
2:25), then repenting of our wrong
attitudes and sins. Sin is the trans–
gression ofGod's law
John 3:4).
When we repent, we repent of the
evil attitudes and ways- the spiri–
tual cancers-which we have
allowed or actively pursued in our
lives. T hese spiritual cancers have
been injected into the minds of all
humanity in varying degrees by an
unseen power called in the Bible by
the name Satan. Satan "broad–
casts" his cancerous attitudes into
unsuspecting minds. Such attitudes
and moods are reinforced by wrong
infl uences or examples in one's
environment (Ephesians 2:2-3).
We put these cancers of the
human spirit under the blood of
Christ for fo rgiveness and then
grow and overcome past wrong atti–
tudes and ways by the help and
power ofGod's Holy Spirit.
What's the worst cancer, the
most terminal and ugly of can–
cers? The cancer of
l t leads to enormous suffer–
ing and unhappiness in human
physical life and to death . for all
eternity (Malachi 4:1 ) .
T hank God, ·Grandma Peterson
didn ' t die of the worst cancer.
She on ly died of cancer of her
physical body, not cancer of her
(Continued from page 6)
Recently the Pope told an
assembly of European journalists
it was their respons ibi lity to help
mold public opinion in favo r of a
"united Europe."
Watch Poland, East Europe
T he stage is being set for sorne
dramatic realignments of power
in Europe.
T he Soviet Union's
is virtually unchallenged.
Yet, its economy rests on feet of
clay. Moscow just may not be able
to prevent the unraveling of much
of its Eastern Europeao empire,
beginning now in Poland.
T he Soviet Union, says author
Wi ll iam Pfaff, is occasionally "ca–
pable of sudden acts of realism."
Asan example, the Soviets permit–
ted the complete freedom of Aus–
tria in 1955- provid ing that Aus–
tria become a permanently neutral
state, not attached to NATO.
Might Moscow sóme day
decide to cut its losses in Eastern
Europe also? T he Krem lin would
• ls bapt ism essent ial to salva–
• What are the condit ions?
• When shoul d you be bap–
• How should you be baptized
and by whom?
Repentance and belief are the first two
steps toward lile as a true Christian.
Water baptism is the next step. lt's not
just a ritual , but an ordinance set by
Jesus Chrisl. According to the Scrip–
tures baptism is
can obtain the Holy Spirit and, eventual,
extract a price. Europe would
have to cut its political and mili–
tary ties to the U.S.
Poland or other satell ites
shou Id leave the Soviet orbi t,
there is a possibility, notes
Christian Science Monitor's
seph C . Harsch, of the reconst itu–
tion of what he calls "the whole
of classic Europe."
"Classic Europe" is nothing
other than a new EurQpean align–
ment along the lines of the old
Holy Roman Empire, under the
Catholic ·aegis.
Thus, the final resurrection of
the Roman Empire may be closer
than you think. T his will not be
good news for t he
ni ted
States- decoup led from Eu–
rope- or Britain either. As Brit–
ish Prime Mi nister Ma rgaret
Thatcher recently told President
Reagan: "We in Britain stand
with you. " And a British Foreign
Office source told the Associated
Press: "She is convinced that
Britain 's lot lies with Amer ica."
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to discover what that lot
ly, eternal lile. Discover the truth about
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importan! decision you will ever take.
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