(Continued from page JO)
job-she is responding to her
husband's true wishes and serving
her family's true needs as well as
those of the larger society.
There are certajnly many situa–
tions in which a young, unmar–
ried woman needs to be working
in sorne other position. For the
young married woman, these situ–
ations are distinctly fewer.
Yet they do exist.
Especially in the first few
months of marriage, a young
woman may need to take at least a
part-time job before the children
her husband approves it
and she knows it is temporary,
and if the right job situation pre–
sents itself. But the true interests
of most marriages are NOT fur–
thered by having the wife work
throughout marriage. That is why
a woman should respond to her
husband's true wishes.
On the surface, he may imag–
ine that he wouJd like to have his
wife work and thus supplement
the family income.
But would he like the ultimate
result of the wife working con–
stantly, beginning to be more
independent and competitive?
A woman needs to be very
careful about this! With prayer,
wit h timely suggestion a nd
advice, she should do her full part
to see that she is not pushed into
taking an outside job that will
ultimately defeat the very pur–
pose for which it was intended.
Added income provided by the
wife's job is mostly taken up with
her travel expenses to and from
work, outside lunches, extra
clothes and babysitters or nurse–
maid's fees to take care of chil–
dren at home.
Looking at it economically
alone-a family will gain very lit–
tle, in many cases, by having the
wife work outside the home. Bal–
ance this small advantage with
the DAMAGE done to the alti tudes
of both husband and wife in such
a si tuation and to the very charac–
ters of their young children grow–
ing up without the care and guid–
ance of a full-time mother.
June / Juty
Married women should be very
cautious and sparing about ever
taking outside jobs- even in sup–
posed "emergencies"-and prac–
tically NEVER let this develop into
a lifetime situation. The ultimate
"price" of such a job is
too high!
The Ultimate Wlfe
Few have taken seriously the
most complete single passage in
all the Bible on womanhood. This
passage is found in Proverbs
31:10-31. lt has been preserved
for nearly 3 ,000 years in the
Canon of Scripture. It is inspired
of God to help the woman of
Each manis
incomplete and in need
of the help,
inspiration, warmth
and bal.ance imparted
by the right woman as
his wife!
' '
today grasp and understand the
type of life she should be living.
A ll , both men and women,
should study it regularly.
calls attention to the tremen–
dous value of the "virtuous
woman" (verse 10).
shows how
she buoys up and encourages her
describes how she
works for him and her family in
the home.
Surprising to sorne, perhaps, it
shows that a wife should have the
right kind of initiative. For she
"bringeth her food from afar." lf
the family budgct permits, she
may arder things from distant
places and overseas!
"She considereth a field, and
buyeth it: with the fruit of her
hands she planteth a vineyard"
(verse 16). This kind of wife
obviously has initiative. Her ini–
tiative may be exercised, occa–
sionaJiy, in purchasing addit ional
plots of land for her own gardens
or vineyards and addi ng to the
income of the household by her
cul tivation of these lands.
initiative, drive and vision.
"She maketh fine linen, and
selleth it; and delivereth girdles
unto the merchant" (verse 24).
Here again, this woman is going
above and beyond keeping the
home and rearing the children.
She is actuaJiy in the clothing
industry-yet at home!
"She maketh herself coverings
of tapestry; her clothing is silk
and purple" (verse 22). Most
important of all, she may save her
husband and family a good deal of
money- when necessary-by do–
ing a good deal of sewing at home
and in every way making sure
that her children and famil y are
well dressed and well taken care
of in every way possible. She
assists her husband in providing
quality products for her home
and family by making sorne of
them herself.
"Strength and honour are her
clothing; and she shall rejoice in
time to come. She openeth her
mouth with wisdom; and in her
tongue is the law of kindness"
(verses 25-26) .
This inspired passage cer tainly
describes a wife of diligence,
vision and accomplishment!
Yet she is a wife of "hon–
our"- not one who is working
outside, running around with her
bosses or supervisors or in any
way alienat ing herself from her
husband or home. She does have
wisdom, but she is alert to her
place in assisting and encouraging
her husband and remembers to be
tender and kind in what she says,
thinks and does. With this atti–
tude, she is NOT COMPETING- nOt
becoming unfeminine, not be–
coming hard, raucous and argu–
Her children grow up and
praise her. Her husband praises
her and !oves her till death does
them part.
She is the kind of wife who is
fulfilling the role for which she
was created! Beyond all doubt,
she will be blessed, appreciated
and ever lastingly loved fo r
joyously fulfilling this high call–
ing! o