spread ing false rumors will not
exist. Corrupt and greedy offi–
cials will be cxposed and deprived
of power. Thc unrepentant crimi–
nal will be
and juslly
punished. God's saints will be
able to judge lhe hearts a nd atti–
tudes of all men (Heorews 4:12,
Corinthians 12:1 0). True jus–
tice will reign at last.
" Violence shall no more be
heard in thy land, [nor] wasling
nor deslruclion wilhin lhy bor–
ders" (J saiah 60: 18).
Fair Taxation
Under God's governmenl, money,
al lasl, will have slable and reli–
able value. Great weallh will flow
in lo God's lhrone on earth from
a ll nations lO be used for the good
of others ( Isaiah 60: 17). Moneta–
ry stabi lity will be furlher eslab–
lished because il will be based on
God's everlasli ng, unchanging
governmenl, and on God's enor–
mous and endless power to pros–
per the economies of obedient
nal ions.
God's government will not
exact exorbilanl and evcr-inc reas–
ing taxes lO pay for foolish proj–
ects or defic it government spend–
God's li t h ing law (lithing
means lenth) on income will
apply to all. One income lcvel will
not be forced to pay exorbitantly
higher rales than anolher. The
labor of lhe diligent will not be
discouraged by being taxed away,
as il so oflen is today.
God's law reveals how the
widow, fatherless a nd needy
should be locally taken care of
(Deuleronomy 14 :28-29). The
mass ive welfare state as we know
it loday wi 11 not exist.
f an ablc
man won't work, neither shall he
( JI
3:1 O).
But what a boul business and
social relationships?
God's law- th e T en Com–
mandments- a nd God's Word,
the Bible-which amplifies the
intent of God's laws-will be the
basic guide of how humans oughl
to conduct a ll social and business
relalionships. Nalions won'l need
endless and complicated bureau–
c racies, regulations and laws lO
govern every human aclion. Hon-
esty, lruthfulness, fair prices, ser–
vice and safety will be expected in
all business and social relation–
Business and smaller industry
will certainly exist. But they
won't be permitted to be giant
po llulcrs of the e nvironment.
Whatever industry and poll ul ion
exists will be controlled to pro–
vide safeguards lo workers and to
the environment-or they won't
exist at all.
T omorrow's world will use
nonpolluting and natural energy
sources in an effective way. Total–
y rebuilt communities and
nations will be able lO begin anew
from such an energy base. A
much more agriculturally based
world will not need the vast quan–
tities of oi l that are consumed
today. Whatever energy sources
are used will be environmentally
In all human production and
activity the emphasis will be on
not quantity or cheap–
ness. Last ing quality goods con–
serve rcsources and energy over
the long run. Today's consume–
quickly-and-throw-away society
will be no more. Reuseable mate–
riaJs will be recycled.
Human beings will be taught
how to establish happy homes and
stable marriages. Humans will
find opportuniti es to fully develop
talenls and abililies.
Women will rejoice in being
homemakers, mothers and teach–
ers of their children. Both parents
will enjoy taking rcsponsibility
for teaching thei r chi ldren a great
deal of their primary education.
Children will be wanted and cher–
ished. They will be needed to
rebuild and beautify the earth.
God will heal 1he sick, blind,
maimed and menlally damaged.
" Then sha ll the eyes of the blind
be o pened [by God's healing
power], and the ears of lhe deaf
shall be unstopped. Then shall lhe
lame man Jeap as an hart, and lhe
tongue of the dumb sing ... "
( lsaiah 35:5-6). No more millions
of nonproductive hopeless lives or
incurable diseases.
Everyone will know what it
means lo experience love from
ot hers. All will be taughl lo
r espect al l other humans–
rega rdless of race- for thci r
i ncredible human potcntial.
Every nation of mankind will be
given their own land to develop
the special talents and abi lities
God has given to each.
What a different world !
Gradually Spreading Mlracle
Don't misunde rstand. God's gov–
ernment and blessings won't hap–
pen in all nations all al once.
will take time. Nations will have
many wrong ways to change,
many wrong ideas to unlearn and
God will first give a nation the
chance to accept or refuse His
ways. The consequ e nces for
repeated refusal to obey are indi–
cated in Zechariah 14:16-19.
Christ said the kingdom, or
govcrnment, of God would be like
leaven in a lump of dough (Mat–
would gradually
spread throughou t lhe whole
earlh. God expects lhose who
have learned and prospered from
God's ways lo teach and help
others less fortunale. Prosperous
and successful individuals will not
devote their whole lives to accu–
mulating more and more wealth
for themselves.
Wealth and abundance are not
·wrong. God wants a ll lo prosper
and be in heallh
( 111
J ohn 2). But
under God's wonderful govern–
ment a person's success and char–
acter will not be measured by lhe
abundance of what he possesses.
Success and c haracter will be
more measured in how a person
helps, shares and serves others.
Education, at lasl, wi ll be uni–
versal. There will be a universal
language lO understand God and
H is ways (Zephaniah 3:9). No
more will religious, political and
economic confusion and strife be
permitted to divide nalions and
lead humans into hate, animosity
and war.
" ... for the earth shall be full of
the knowledge of the Lord, as lhe
waters cover the sea" ( lsaiah 11 :9).
God speed that happy age!
That's good news really worth
announcing to the world-and
preparing one's self to take parl
in- today!