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Queen Victoria's son, Edward
The resu
ts of h is long wai t
were disastrous. Edward V
lost interest in the job long befare
ascending the throne.
Tbere is, however, no truc par–
allel between the cases of Edward
and Prince Charles. King
Edward was excluded from the
business of s tate and the fu nc–
tions of royalty; t he Prince is kept
fu lly informed
o f the problems of
gover nmcn t and is extremely
busy fulfilling engagements of
every kind. As she grows oldcr,
the Queen will travel rather less,
and will ask the Prince to travel
more on her behalf. (
may well
be that foreign travel will be the
biggest challenge to Lady Diana,
who is vcry much a "home girl"
and who
back to England
prematurely from her finishing
school in Switzerland.)
But the Queen is healthy and
hardworking, and has an aptitude
for "pacing herself' ' in the fulfill –
ment of arduous duties. (What
bigger nonsense can there be than
th e accusation that roya l ty
doesn't "earn its keep"!) And
abdicat ion is not the habit of the
British Crown; even fits of mad–
ness did not prevent George
from remaining monarch . Only
serious illness could possibly lead .
to any early abdication.
When his time does come,
Prince Charles is likely to ascend
the throne as Charles
Monarch in Britain is free to
choose his til le. (His grandfather
preferred Gco rge to bis first
name, Albert , even though his
clase fr iends went on calling him
" Bertie.") Charles
Kings of both England and Scot–
land, although separately, unti l
the two kingdoms were united in
1707 under the Act of Union. So
there is no dynastic or even senti–
mental objection to the tit le of
111 .
Th e Wo r ld ' s Most Prestigious
T he S unday Times Magazine
referred to the Brit ish Royal
Family as "the fi nest and most
long-lasting Monarchy in the
Even though Queen Elizabeth
is just thc titu lar head of Britai n
and the Commonwealth, she and
other membcrs of the Royal Fam–
ily exercise a powerful influcnce
on their subjects. The "trappings
of Royalty" are a necessary and
potent influence on Britain, the
Commonwealth and the world.
Many foreigners, in fact, see
the lack of pomp and ceremony in
their own countries and secretly
envy the regal splendour sur–
rounding the British Monarchy.
The truth is, j ust as the peacock
needs the beaut iful plumage with
which it is so generously
endowed, so Bri tain is cnriched
by the pomp and pageantry sur–
rounding hcr Royal Family.
There is enough dull, drab
monotony in the lives of the British,
and a dash of monarchical splen–
dour herc and there helps to makc
the ordinary, somewhat humdrum
life oftheavcrage Briton more bear–
able and more interest ing.
And the truth is t hat much of the
world is also great ly enriched by
seeing thc pageantry of the Bri tish
Royal Family on important state
occasions likc the royal wedding of
Prince Charles to Lady Diana when
millions will witness this moving
ceremony vía television worldwide.
The British Royal Family is
good for Britain and good for the
The Honorable T .C.F. Prillie was o corre–
spondem with the
from 1945 to 1970. and was Diplomatic
Corresponden/ between 1963 and 1970. He
has written a rwmber of books including
Germany Divided
Israel, Miracle
in the Descrt
A Biography of Kon–
rad Adenaucr
Willy Brandt
Whose Jerusalem?
(198/ ).
(Continued from page 21)
is living by the way of LOVE- the
way of constructive help, sharing
and concern for others. That 's
God's way! The GIVE or LOVE
way is concern for the wcll -bei ng
of others eq ual wi t h concern for
l t
is, as J esus taught,
"!ove your neighbour as yourself' '
(Matthew 19: 19).
The solution Mr. Armstrong
gives to world leaders is actually
the truc gospel, the good news
(gospel means "good news") of the
coming rule of the kingdom of
God. The kingdom of God is the
ruling family of God organized
into a government. That govern–
ment will
on humanity the
way of life, God's way of !ove,
which will produce true peace and
lasting prosperity in all nations.
For nearly 6,000 years God has
Jet humanity experience the conse–
quences o f their own ways under
Satan's evil sway. But the Creator
reveals in bis Word , the Bible, that
he will soon intervene in world
atfairs, powerfully, to set up his
government over all the earth.
G od's gover nme n t will
for ce
nations to live in the ways that pro–
duce lasting peace and blessings.
Human governments. of and by
themselves, or
any group or
combination, will not bring
peace and prosperity.
Just Ahead
Notice what the apostlc J ohn
recorded under God's inspirat ion
in Revelation, chapter 11. The
time setting of this c hapter is
when much of the earth is being
ravagcd, and much of humanity
dest royed, by soon-to-occu r un–
precedented warfare. Humanity
is about to wipe itself off the
earth except for the fact that
J esus prophesied it would not
happen- because God will inter–
vene to save us from ourselves
(Matthew 24:22).
" ... and there were g reat
voices in heaven saying, The
kingdoms (nations or govern–
ments] of this world are become
the kingdoms of our Lord, and of
his Christ; and he shall reign for–
ever and ever" (verse 15).
It is the time when C hrist will
return to earth to set up the gov–
ernment and way of God . l t is the
time when God will reward his
fait hful servants with rulership
over the nations under Christ and
also " des troy them which dcst roy
the earth" (Revelation 11:18-19,
2:26, 5: 10).
. Daniel prophesied of this same
great event in world history.
"And the kingdom and dominion,
- and the greatness of the kingdom
under the whole heaven, shall be