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dren to grow up to be the leaders
of tomorrow!
But, if we are willing, t he
ANSWER to the whole problem is
found in the simple, yet beauti ful ,
account of woman's creation. It is
found in Genesis 2:18 in your
Bible. You may be surprised what
it does NOT say, as well as what it
does say.
God said:
" lt
is not good that
the man should be alone." Man
was NOT the great , aJl-conquering
hero, self-sufficient and in need
of no help! Rather , man NEEDED
hel¡r-and needed it badly. Man
was NOT complete. Rather, each
man is INcomplete and in need of
the help, ,inspiration, warmth and
balance imparted by the right
woman as his wife!
1n a way that no animal crea–
ture could, woman was created to
SHARE with man his li fe, his
plans, hopes and dreams. She was
created specifically to help the
man .
Without this help, which on ly
the woman can give, man would
NEVER achieve the full, abundant,
peaceful and balanced
God intended . Without givi ng
this help, woman becomes edgy,
frustrated, resentful, headed up
" blind alley"-for she is fail ing
to ful fi ll the very PURPOSE for
which she was created!
Goal a Women S ho uld Bear In
To be truly happy, a real woman
should bear in mind the purpose
for which she was created- a nd
set herself definite GOALS to ful –
fill in the accomplishment of that
First of all , woman was called
to help and supplement her hus–
band . She should real ize that her
husband's success is her suc–
cess- and fully SHA RE an d
deli ght in the triumphs and
achievements of her husband ,
because they are partly her own.
Also, she should equally share in
his sorrow and disappointments–
t rying always to give the right
kind of balanced and positive
sympatby and encouragement so
that he will rebound to other suc–
cesses in the future.
A second area in which a woman
should cultivate success is that of
bearing and training her children.
Young mothers exert a powerful
infiuence on the leaders of tomor–
row. And women should realize
the overwhelming importance of
zealously and joyously dedicating
themselves to this as their highest
physical calling. Far more impor–
tant it is than that of any office
worker or secretary on any leve!.
God instructs older women:
"That they may teach the young
women to be sober, to love their
husbands, to love thei r chi ldren,
to be discreet, chaste, keepers at
home, good, obedient to their own
husbands, that the word of God
be not blasphemed" (Titus 2:4-
By the thousands,
women have been
brainwashed into
believing it is beneath
their intellectual station
to be a house-
wife and mother!
' '
Here, the Great God who
created woman tells wives to
spend more t ime in their own
homes, to be good housekeepers,
to be domestically inclined, not
gad-abouts. C hristian women
who objectively and enthusiasti–
cally give themselves to their
calling are adding immeasurably
to their own happiness and well–
being, first of all , and to that of
their family- now and perbaps
for generations to come. But it
goes deeper than that. They are
adding to the entire society in
which they live.
How a Woman Can Beat Serve
Socie ty
This leads us to another area of
woman's ri ght ful accomplish–
ment. That of serving- tbrougb
her husband a nd family- the
society and the world as a whole.
Women can REALLY accomplish
far more in the end to help this
ent ire world by being the kind of
wives and mothers that God
Almighty intended.
Take this example. In his book
My Dar/ing Clem entine, the Sto–
ry of Lady Churchi/1,
Jack Fishman vividly portrays the
fact that Sir Wins ton Churchill 's
wife aided and supported him in a
manner that added immeasurably
to his tremendous accomplish–
ments. Sir Winston-the "rrian of
the century"-would NEVER have
been the kind of man he was, or
had the stability he bad, the forti –
tude he displayed and the abil ity
to rebound even from shatterng
defeat or discouragement- if it
had not been for the unusual
help, inspiration and support of
his dedicated wife.
Putting it another way, per–
haps our entire Western civiliza–
tion might not even BE HERE if
it had not been for the steadfast–
ness, wisdom and courage of this
man- inspired and greatly mag–
nified by this highly intelligent
and cultured woman. She was
willing to dedícate herself to
being his wife and helper one
hundred percent of the time!
And what American is not
familiar wit h the example of
patient teaching, religious in–
struction, guidance, encourage–
ment and inspiration that Abra–
ham Lincoln's mother gave to
him? At the height of his accom–
plishments, this most revered of
all American Presidents stated:
"Ail that l am or ever hope to be
1 owe to my ... mother."
If Mr. Lincoln's mother had
been working outside the home
instead of inspi ring and molding
the life of this future President,
would there have been an Abra–
ham Lincoln to guide America
through its greatest interna!
catastrophe- the Civil War?
An Outalde J o b?
Should this type of woman ever
have an outside job?
This is a basic quest ion- but
one that needs to be answered
here. The true answer depends
upon whether-in taking such a
(Continued on page 35)