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The Falling
Gene H. Hogberg
Washington accuses Europe's leaders of succumbing to
" pacifism." Europeans in turn warn
of grave dangers if detente is allowed to collapse.
Where is this trans-Atlantic rift headed?
r i ~t
up between the
U n it e d States
and the nations
of Wes tern Eu–
rope over how to
deal wit h ever–
growing Sovie t
military power.
At stake is the
cont i nui ng exis–
tence of the North
A tlan tic Treaty
Organi za tion–
NATO- a uniq ue
alliance that has guarantecd
the security of 15 nations on
both s ides of the A tl a ntic
Ocean for more t han three
Without NATO, not only West–
ern Europe, but thc United States
and Britai n and Canada could be in
grave peril. And Bible prophecy
indicates j ust such a threat to the
English-speaking world.
June/ July 1981
Detense Minister Hans
Apel, left, U.S. Defense Secretary Cas·
par Weinbecger, NATO Secretary Gen–
eral Joseph Luns and British Defense
Minister John Nott listen to question at
NATO Nuclear Planning Group Confer·
ence in Bonn, West Germany. Mr. Wein·
berger's strong words on Western
defense disturbed many Europeans.
The trans-Atlantic rift has
widened since the Reagan admin-
istration assumed
power in Washing–
ton. The new team is
attempting to recov–
e r Amcrica's lost
worldwide prcstige.
Speciñcally, this in–
volves "standing up
to the Ru ssians"
after years of ac–
quiescence to grow–
ing Soviet military
power at homc and
imperialistic cxpan-
sion throughout the
Third World. But on
this count Washing–
to? 's
mmat10n 1s runnmg
into resistance nearly
everywhere in Western Europe,
except for France and Ita!y.
The United States, propelled
by the urgings of President Ron–
ald Reagan, is planning to spend
heavily on defense to offset the
startling Soviet/Warsaw Pact
growth in weapons.
wants the
West Europeans to get mo re
excited about the issue as well ,
si nce the Soviets have swiftly
built up a force of monstrous SS-