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are eating certain things and not
be the pawn of advertising. Don't
allow others to make the decision
for you by way of the electronic
media-get the facts, understand
them and make rational deci–
Long before it was "chic" to
write or be knowledgeable about
nutrition, editor-in-chief Herbert
W . Armstrong was exhorting
people to practice many of the
things asserted by nutritionists
In one publication, he wrote
al most a d ecade ago: " Th e
Almighty God made the human
body so that-even though com–
posed of material substance from
the ground (Genesis
2:7, 3: 19)–
normal condition
is one of
robust, invigorating, radiant
"Sickness a nd disease a r e
ABNORMAL- they are the PENAL–
He continued, giving the fol –
lowing advice: "There is another
area in which our English-speak–
ing peoples ruin their own health.
They take a good steak, or a
mixed green salad of uncooked
leafy green vegetables, and then
RUIN them with sauces, gravies,
or dressings that will wreck any
stomach-at least in time! People
think they must mix foods into
conglomerations of meat with
starch, sugars, condiments, artifi–
cial flavors, preservatives, sea–
'foods,' and unhealthful mix–
tures-IN CONFUSION! The 'best'
chefs are those who can concoct
the most injurious sauces and
God wants you to enjoy life
But you can't enjoy
anything unless you're healthy.
As the saying goes, there's noth–
ing so precious as good health.
Would you like to know more
about natural health laws and
what the Bible says about how to
obtain good health? We have
available a fre.e booklet,
pies of Hea/thful Living.
show you how you can improve
your physical qualities of life and
will show you how medica!
science is confirming the laws set
by God! o
(Continued from page 26)
walk. He reportedly has been
walking ever since. But, accord–
ing to his amazed doctor, nothing
has changed anatomically: his spi–
nal cord is st ill severed, his mus–
eles are atrophied , his legs so
emaciated they should not be able
to support his weight. There is no
physical reason he should be
Then there is the diabetic who
no longer needs insulin in spite of
a physician' s attestation that the
person's pancreas still does not
function. Or the man with an
artificial eye whose sight has been
restored. He can now read with
that eye-even though it is still
artificial- made of plastic! lf
such miracles take place, people
are sti ll not HEALED and restored
whole, which is how God heals.
God's merey .
God has not
called everyone to understand His
ways in this age. The majority of
human beings who ever lived will
not really come to know God
until they are resurrected in the
World Tomorrow after
years of Christ's reign on earth
(see Revelation
20) .
Only a
are called to find eterna! life in
this age, as J esus declared in
7 :13-14.
(Write for ou r
free article " Is This the Only Day
of Salvation?")
To those who obey the truth
now God promises: "The righ–
teous cry, ano the Lord heareth,
and delivereth them out of all
their troubles" (Psalm
34: 17) .
But God nowhere in all the Bible
promises to hear and answer the
prayers of the majority of human–
ity now cut off from Him. Never–
theless, we all are His creation.
And God's compassion and love
are great.
is therefore not
inconceivable that there are times
when He may answer an unselfish
prayer of faith from one who,
though spiritually blind, is
cere in reading and believing
about healing in the Bible.
But sincerity means one is
doing what one knows he should
be doing. Mr. Armstrong has
often explained how his wife was
healed as the result of being
prayed for by a minister of this
world and the minister's wife. In
fact, quite a few people were
being healed by their prayers–
the worldly minister and his
wife discovered a point of biblical
truth that they did not want to
accept. They rejected it and
immediately their prayers ceased
to be answered. They were no
regarding God.
God alone forgives sin and
therefore miraculously heals. " 1
am the Lord that healeth thee,"
God declares (Exodus 15:26).
(Continued from page 18)
develop holy and godly character.
The potential of qualifying for
immortality as a member of the
very family of God is reserved for
mankind a/onef
Koko Speaks Out!
Anciently, the apostle Paul cau–
tioned Christians to avoid "pro–
fane and vain babblings , and
oppositions of science falsely so
( 1
advice is more timely today than
ever before.
Those scientists who have
abandoned a knowledge of God
and the Bible are aptly described
by Paul in the book of Romans:
"[They] became vain in their
imaginations, and their foolish
heart was darkened.
themselves to be wise, they
(Romans 1:21-22) .
And further: "Even as they did
not like to retain God in their
knowledge, God gave them over toa
reprobate mind [or,
a mind void of
Nowhere is this lack of judg–
ment more evident than in their
seeming inability to discern ape
from huma n. Even Koko the
" talking" gorilla· shows more dis–
A reporter once asked re–
searcher Francine Patterson
about Koko as a person. Ms. Pat–
terson turned to Koko. and asked,
"Are you animal or person?"
Koko's instant response:
" Fine animal gorilla." o