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cons umption of food takes
And there's the key word in
understanding the rising use of
food additives!
As the pace of our society
accelerated, people began to
demand ready-packaged foods.
For example, businessmen saw
that people often get out of bed at
the last moment , occasionally
missing breakfast because they
didn't have time to eat it. The use
of whole grains as a breakfast
food was already wide-spread, so
they simply took it one step fur–
ther to cut down time in both
preparation and consumption by
the family.
They refined the grains to
make them more palatable and
easier to prepare- then sweeten–
ed the product to make it more
pleasant tasting.
The result? Millions of people
now will rise in the morning, hur–
ry into the kitchen and gulp down
a bowl of presweetened cereal.
Unfor tunately, many of the vital
nut rients were ripped out of the
whole grain when it was refined,
so compa nies compensated by
adding artificial vitami ns and
other additives. Again, we can see
our crushed car analogy.
This life-style continues in the
evening, where the husband and
wife both arrive borne from work
tired and hungry. Neither feels
like expending more energy in
preparing an elaborate meal, so
one reaches into the fre.ezer and
takes out a couple of frozen
ent rees to stick in the oven. While
that's heating up, a can of peas
(with various chemicals added to
preserve the color and flavor) is
opened and heated on the stove.
Both the husband and wife feel
like relaxing with a cool drink, so
one mixes up a couple of before–
dinner drinks- using powdered
mix available f rom a liquo r
After the hastily prepared meal
is consumed, our family turns
their interests and energies to
other pursuits- perhaps one is
attending classes or there's office
work to do. At any rate, little
planning or advance work fo r
tomorrow's meal wi ll be done. A
t seems that
consistent human
on nutrition is
well-stocked cupboard of pro–
cessed spaghetti, frozen or canned
vegetables and preserved meat
products will provide ample sus–
la Thls What We Want?
We can see then, the use of addi–
tives and food processing is the
result of a c hange in society.
Additives and refined foods pro–
vide a short cut to save t ime, and
in many instances, money. Be–
cause of the advances in technolo–
gy, most processed food is cheap–
er than its unprocessed or unal–
tered counterpar t. Food with
additives is easier to store and
easier to handle in terms of mass
production and distribution.
Few people real ize that vegeta–
ble farmers face a very critica!
period from the harvest of their
crop and its distribution to mar–
ket. In a matter of
sands of dollars can be lost
through wi lting lettuce, shriveled
tomatoes or over-ripe berries. So
faced with the problem of provid–
ing food to millions of people,
companies have resorted to artifi–
cial means of preserving and stor–
ing foods.
Understandlng the Reason
The reason for massive use of
additives points back to one thing:
the family .
lnside our families
our individual decisions on life–
style mount up into one collective
ímpetus: do as much as possible,
experience as much as possible–
in the shortest period of t ime.
To understand the use of addi–
tives, we must look for
not merely the effect. In any
society, the smallest and most
fundamental building block is
is a well- recognized
fact of pol itical science that what–
ever families do or tolerate, so fol–
lows the collective society.
It therefore follows that if fam–
ilies begin to develop new life–
styles-ones that don't allow time
for properly preparing food, culti–
vating a garden for fresh vegeta–
bles- then the society will follow
And there you have it!
lt's time to realize what the
change of family in our Western
culture is doing to us! 8oth inter–
na} and externa! pressures mount
to alter our life-styles and rela–
tionships. For years,
The Plain
has thundered the warning
that the fami ly institution is in
danger of crumbling! Confusion
of roles within the family , non–
aligned goals, zero communica–
t ion between partners or parents
and chi ldren, create complex
pressures and problems that leave
precious little time for things like
worrying about proper nutrition!
Hence, enter additives an d
refined foods.
The academic jury is still out
as to the long-term effect of these
seems that consis–
tent human opinion on nutrition
is nonexistent. Concerning this,
God gave a very interesting
prophecy in Isaiah 3:1-2, 4: " Be–
hold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts,
take away
the whole
stay of bread, and the whole s tay
of water, the mighty man [those