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terms. The leve! of human
t hought can in no way be
explained simply as a function of
the physical human brain-some
three pounds of organic matter.
Charles Darwin's observations
regarding the comparative mental
faculties of man and ape are sig–
"Man bears in his bodi ly struc–
ture clear traces of his descent
from sorne lower form; but it may
be urged that, as man d iffers so
great ly in his mental power from
all other animals, there must be
sorne error in this conclusion .
doubt the difference in this
respect is enormous,
even if we
compare the mind of one of the
lowest savages ... with that of
the most highly organized ape.
dijference would, no doubt,
sti/1 remain immense,
even if one
of the hig he r apes [such as
Koko-editor] had been im–
proved or civilized.... "
Evolut ionists- while admitting
the relative insignificance in dif–
ference between the physical
brains of man and ape- face the
apparent problem of "enormous"
and "immense" differences in
their mental powers.
The implications of this dispar–
ity were not lost on Darwin.
He realized that if he were to
admit of a fundamental d iffer–
ence between man and the higher
animals in their mental facu lties,
evolution could not be true!
Because- as Thomas Huxley
later showed- th is d iffere nce
would be
in mere
physical terms, such as brain size
and structure!
So what d id the early evolu–
tionists do about this? How did
they overcome this potentially
fatal blow to their theory?
They declared, in effect, that
what man had taken for granted
for thousands of years was simply
not true!
In Darwin's own words:
"There is no fundamental dijfer–
ence between man and the higher
mammals in their mental facu/–
t ies."
An incredible statement, that!
Rather than abandon their theo–
ry, they deluded themselves into
believing the absurd!
Evolutionists refuse to face this
unassailable fact!
T he re is onl y one possible
explanation for the great d isparity
between animal brain and human
There must be a
component in human brain that
does not exist in animal brain- a
supernatural essence
the power of intellect to the
human brain!
No other explanation is ade–
Revealed In Blble
1t is not logic alone that suppor ts
this conclusion. The Bible- the
revealed word of the C reator
God- provides the ul timate testi–
Man is not simply a biological
mechanism, an intellect powered
solely by the laws of chemist ry
and biology.
"There is a
spirit in man,"
declares Job 32:8, "and the inspi–
ration of the Almighty giveth
them understanding."
1 Corinthians 2: 11 speaks of
this same nonphysical element,
this "spirit in man."
is what
enables man to comprehend- in a
way that is uniquely human- the
world around him.
T his spirit in man is not the
mythical "immortal sou
no consciousness apar t from the
human brain. lt is a spirit essence
imparting to man an intellectual
d ime nsion. Withou t i t, man
would be li ttle more than a brute
beast. (Notice, in Daniel 4:33-34,
the behavior of King Nebuchad–
nezzar after God removed his
understand ing from him.)
This spirit in man has not been
given to the animals.
is unique
to man in aJI creation!
Genesis 1:25 reveals that "God
made the beast of the ear th
his kind
or species] , and cattle
after their kind,
and every thing
that creepeth upon the earth
his kind....
But when it carne to the cre–
ation of man, God said: "Let us
make man
after our image, after
our likeness
... "
(verse 26).
Man was made in the very
image of God- after the
kind! Manis nota mere animal!
Man was given
dominion over
Orlgin of Human Natura
F inall y, what about "human
nature"? Did it evolve over mil–
lions of years? Does the behavior
of apes and monkeys reflect the
primal " human nature" of "prim–
itive ancestors"?
As man did not evolve, neither
d id human nature. The origin of
human nature, as that of man
himself, is revealed in the Bible.
Hav ing succ umbed to the
temptation of Satan, the fi rst
human beings experienced a
change in their mental outlook.
"And the eyes of both of them
were opened," the Bible records
(Genesis 3:7). The spi ri t of rebel–
lion had entered their minds.
Human nature in its evil spiritual
phase--of vanity, jealousy, lust,
greed, envy, competition, st rife,
rebellion against authority, resent–
ment and hate--camefrom
Everything that
had made
"was very good" (Genesis 1:31 ).
What we call ' 'human nature"
is actually
Satan-the "prince of the
power of the air" (Ephesians
2:2)-litera lly
his atti–
tude throughout the entire earth.
is this spirit or attitude of Satan
" that now worketh in the children
of disobedience" (same verse).
In the soon-coming millennial
rule of J esus Christ on earth, Satan
will be bound and imprisoned
"that he should deceive the nations
no more" (Revelation 20:2-3) . At
that t ime- with Satan's evil
influence restrai ned-the evil
attributes of human nature wiJI no
Jonger hold sway over man. More–
over, all mankind will then have
access to the Spi rit of God, the
Even in this present age, God
offers to those who will accept it
his Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). The
Holy Spirit adds to the human
mind a godly, spi ritual dimen–
sion-and enables man to develop
righteous character. God's Holy
Spirit joins with the spi rit in man,
witnessing that we are the chil–
dren of God (Romans 8: 16).
A nimals have no ability to
(Continued on page 30)