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age of science and technology, the
nuclear age, and, now, the space
age. The sudden acceleration in
scientific development is evi–
denced by the astonishing fact
that 90 percent of a ll sc ien–
tists who ever lived are living to–
New Age in Educatio n
And with these developmcnts has
emerged a new age in education.
Today's world is what its lead–
ers have made it, and these lead–
ers are the product of this world's
ed uca tion. But what kind of
wor ld has this education pro–
l t is a deceptive wor ld . l t
to be a world replete
with gadgets, labor-saving devices
and luxury undreamed of by our
is a world of instan–
taneous worldwide communica–
tion, rapid transportation by auto–
mobile, railroad, jet plane.
is a
world entertained by radio, televi–
sion, s tage and screen, giant
sports fields and arenas. 1t is a
mechanized world where mass
assembly- line machine produc–
tion make s pos si ble hi g her
incomes, shorter work hours ,
more leisure for entertainment
and amusement.
ls not this an exciti ng world of
Js this not a world
looking forward to a magic push–
button century 21, wherc labor
will be all but abolished, with
idleness and case for all?
l t seems so.
But it is a deceptive world.
Never was the world so filled
with discontent and unhappiness,
with crime, with juveni le delin–
quency, with divorce and broken
homes, with sickness and mental
illnesses, with violence and
destruction. Never before was it
possible to erase aH life- human,
animal and plant-from the face
of this earth!
This whole disintegrating civi–
lization is the product of an
und er ly ing
t owar d
knowledge and a
toward life, which together havc
formed the foundation of modern
ed ucation. The philosophic basis
of modern education is that of the
ancient pagan Greeks and Ro-
mans. The concept , through
which the presence and motion of
things has been viewed and
explained, is the materialistic
approach of modern science.
Modern education, therefore,
is almost wholly materialistic.
develops the machine, the theo–
rem, the hypothesis that becomes
the faith or the belief of modern
science. But it fails to develop the
MAN, or to lead him to a knowl–
edge of the true val ues.
Few seem to know that peace
of mind, happiness, contentment,
the true absorbing, interest-filled
life of utter well-being,
with prosperity and assured secu–
rity, are our true heritage. Few
seem to know THE WAY. Few
seem to know that there are invis–
ible but inexorable LA
motion to make possible that uta–
pian state for all. The very first
mission of education is to dissem–
inate the knowlcdge of those laws
and of the PURPOSE of life.
Yet this knowledge is NOT dis–
seminated- except at the caro–
puses of Ambassador College.
man? WHY is man?
Was he put on this ear th for a
PURPOSE- Or did he just happen,
by accident? Js there meaning to
life? What is THE WAY to peace,
to happiness, to well-being, to
dependable securi ty? Why are we
air-breathing creatures of mere
transitory existence?
WHv are these questions
ignored , and cer tain ly never
taugh t- these BASJC foundations
of any right or true ed ucation?
Why ?
Simply because modern educa–
tion has become almost "'Cholly
has lost the true
gropes hopelessly in the
dark, in a vain search for the
acquisition of knowledge that can
come only through the very
source it rejects!
fai ls to teach young men and
women the most needed of all
teaches young
people how to earn a living, but
fails to teach them
how to /ive!
Surpris ing Origin o f Mo de rn
Educati on
did the system of modern
education come about? A brief
research of its history will prove
startlingly illuminating.
The academic form of cu rricu–
lar education was originated by
the pagan Greek philosopher Pla–
to, 427-347 B.C. He was the
founder of education of regu la r
currículum in a fixed place. He
called it the
But an interesting analogy, and
lesson- if you can believe it- is
portrayed as of a much earlier
is found in the biblical
account in Genesis.
por trays the Creator as the
original Educator , giving instruc–
tion to the first man and woman,
regarding the two basic
life. This was pictured by two
symbolic trees. The one, frccly
otfered, represented
the way,
as a
life-philosophy of love-of outgo–
ing concern for others-of giv–
ing-of serving-of sharihg. The
other, for bidden yet left com–
pletely accessi ble, symbol ized the
opposite life-philosophy.
ated success in terms of material
acquisi t ion.
the way
vanity, selfishness and greed; of
consideration, fi rst of all, for
SELF; it exalted competition and
st rife.
The first was simply
the way
the invisible, inexorable, living
LAWS performed by LOVE- the
Law o f the Ten Command–
ments- the Law of the Golden
Rule. That
is the CAUSE of
peace, happiness, abundant well
The second was the way this
world has followed: competition,
acquisition, materialism, fulfilling
the twin pulls of hum an
nature- vanity and greed. This
all war, st rife, unhap–
piness, human TROUBLES.
Thi s account portrays th e
Great Educator revealing these
living laws of love as
the way
peace, prosperity, happincss- a
real utopia- and their violation
the way
to strife and war, pain,
sufferi ng, insecurity, wretched–
ness, discontent , emptiness and
True to human nature even as
it manifests itself so often today,
the woman took over the initia–
tive. She is pictured as inaugurat-
(Continued on page 36)