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claim the gospel to other nations.
On the contrary, they were for–
bidden to have anything to do
with other nations!
Consequently, the church min–
istry in Is rael was one of minister–
ing to all l sraelites, and to ls rael–
ites only. There was no spreading
of the gospel. The minis try, rath–
er, was largely a matter of physi–
cal labor- preparing animal sac–
rifices, meat and drink offerings,
administering the different wash–
ings a nd physical ordinances and
r iLuals. For this service, God him–
self selecLed his ministers- the
people had no choice as to who
their ministcrs were. For this ser–
vice, God took one whole tr ibe of
the twelve t r ibcs of lsrael- the
tribe of Levi. Every man boro a
Levite was a priest or minister.
The Levites owned no land–
h ad no secular so urce of
income- devoted thei r entire
time to the physical minist ry of
thaL dispensation . Yet , though a
physical ministry, this service was
sacred and holy Lo God. And du r–
ing these years from Moses to
Christ, God himsel f paid hi s
Levit ical priests by Lurning over
Lo them all of his tithe.
Today, we are in the age of
grace, the New Testament gospel
dispensation. Today the Levit ical
priesthood is gone, a nd J esus
Christ is High Priest. Today all
true ministers of Jesus Christ are
called by special spiritual call
from God through his Holy Spir–
it- not by nesh birth- not by
self-desire to become a minis–
ter- not by selection, appoint–
ment or vote of Lhe people.
J esus Christ carne as God 's
mcsse nger, bearing a spiritual
messagc from God to man. That
message of his gospel- the good
news of the comi ng kingdom of
God, a kingdom of immorLals Lhat
human Oesh and blood can never
enLer! One musL be born again!
God Working Out a Purpose
And today, Christ's commission to
all his true minisLers is "Go ye into
all Lhe world, and preach the gos–
pel." "Go ye, Lherefore, and Leach
all natíons." And, forourday now:
" ... This gospel of Lhe kíngdom
shall be preached in all Lhe world
for a witness unto all naLions; and
then shall the end [of the age]
come" (Matthew 24: 14) .
Today the minis try is a spi ri–
tual mini st ry- a ministry of
prophecy- a minist ry of salva–
tion- a ministry of warning!
Today it is not physical a nd
national , but spiritual and indi–
vidual-it is not for everyone in a
single nation , but for a witness
unto al! nations.
Today Christ's true minist ry is
a huge undertaking.
not the mere financing of the per–
sonal needs of a few ministers,
but the employing of tremendous
available facilities for proclaiming
the world-shaking warning- for
preaching the gospel of the king–
dom into all the wor ld for a wi t–
ness unto all nations!
F inanced God' s Way
Today, God has provided for the
financing of his powerful minist ry
by the same system he has used
from the very beginning- his
tithing system!
T hus Almighty God has pur-
posed that those whom he has
specially fitted and called for this
tremendous mission in this chaot–
ic and dying world may be free to
proclaim hi s truth fearlessly ,
boldly and with GREAT POWER!
T hey cannot be subsidized,
cont rolled, coerced by men or
organizat ions of roen. They are
not hi red by, nor obligated to,
men or any organized group or
denomination. T hey are called by
God, guided, protected a nd
empowered by God, financed by
Goo's own tithing system!-yes,
by Goo's
That is how
The Plain Truth
published- without subscription
price, free LO all who request it.
That is how the true gospel
message is going out in greater
power around the world.
That is God's way, carrying out
God's plan in his great purpose
being worked out here below!
We-and all our co-workers
together- are happy to be privi–
leged by the Eterna! God to each
have our small part in so glorious
a work for him! o
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