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tions of many generat ions "
( l saiah 61:4) " ... the cities shall
be inhabited, and the wastes shaJI
be builded" (Ezekiel
36:1 0).
Remember, this will be done
under the supervision of divine
spirit beings.
The human builders
will not make the major mistakes
of today-or throw up jerry-built,
bland, cheap, slipshod buildings.
Tomorrow's cities will be "spark–
ling jewels" - places in which
God's concern for beauty and
harmony will be reAected.
Safe Streets
l f most of us could eliminate just
one blight from today's cities, it
would be
Crime is the sin–
gle most oppressive factor about
today 's cities. Today, in th e
United States and Canada, at
least, most people with any mon–
ey choose to live as far away as
possible from the inner city.
Largely, this is because of crime.
No one can deny that the great
Right to the suburbs from the cit–
ies that has taken place since
World War
was largely caused
fear of crime.
But tomorrow will be different.
People will be able to enjoy bene–
fits of city life without having to
live at a physical distance from
those benefits:
" ...they shall
safely, and
shall make them afraid"
(Ezekiel 34:28).
In tomorrow's cities, old people
wi ll be able to go about their
business with safety and digni–
ty- they will not live in terror
from street punks as they do
today. Notice this beautiful
"Thus saith the Lord of hosts:
There shaJI yet old men and old
women dwell in the streets of
Jerusalem, and every man with
his staff
his hand for very age"
(Zechariah 8:4).
No longer will elderly people
have to live in fear- barely able
to get out and shop because of the
threat of mugging or assault!
"Violence shall no more be
heard in thy land, wasting nor
des truction within thy bor–
ders ..." (Isaiah
60: 18).
Just think! Being able to walk a
city street at night! In many of
today's cities it would be a risk.
The pleasure of walking a city
street at night is something that is
a luxury if you can get away with
it: in tomorrow's world-an
everyday occurrence.
THE CITIES of the future, as seen by
today's planners, sil seem to have a
science-fiction quality to them–
emphasizing steri/e, tasteless build·
ings. The Bible's emphasis for tomor·
row's cities, however, is on chsnging
people, not buildings.
Photos by (top. trom lelt) Expo '67, Randall
World. Wide World. So/Iom D1sney. Pilkington. Wtde World.
W1de World. Wlde Wortd
One of the reasons c1t1es will
be safe in tomorrow's world is the
lack of intensc concentration of
people. There will be no ghettos.
No slums. No blighted "ot her
side of the tracks." No one will
have to live in a city if he doesn't
want to! No one will be trapped in
a crime-infes ted inner city slum!
In tomor row's wor ld , every
family will have a homestead out–
side of the city. (See generally
Leviticus chapter 25 , which
describes the homestead system.)
Say a person has agricultura!
skills or talents. In today's world,
such a person, if in a city, might
find himself frustrated.
row's world, such a person will be
at his family's farm and live a
good and prosperous life in the
But the big reason cities will be