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claim to
be au thorities on
p r op hecy ass u re
people a war involving Rus–
sia and t he United States,
Ca na d a a nd England is
prophesied in Ezekiel 38.
They understand that the
United States, Great Britain and
other democracies of northwes t–
ern Europe a r e th e nations
descended from the so-called
lost Ten Tribes .
T herefore, they conclude, the
prophecy of Ezekiel 38 foretells a
military invasion of the North
American continent from the
Soviet Union.
But this is
what the proph–
ecy says.
What Ezekiel 38 does foretell
is truly astounding. Let 's under–
stand it.
The Time Sequence
of the Prophecy
Ezekiel ' s message is for our
day-a prophetic warning for
America and Britain,
To understand the time, the
place and aJI the facts of the
prophecy of Ezekiel 38, we need
to begin at the first chapter of
Ezekiel 's prophecy and read the
book clear through.
When we do this, we find a
time sequence flowing th rough
the book.
Let us skim through it very
br iefly.
Herbert W. Armstrong
Notice, in the very first verse,
Ezekiel was among the J ewish
captives who had been taken in
the captivity of Judah to the river
t was in the fifth year of
King J ehoiachin's captivity that
this prophecy began coming to
Ezekiel through visions.
is a prophecy. Ezekiel was
being shown things far into the
futu re.
Notice, the prophecy was
inspired and written
J udah;s
captivity began- more than 130
years after the House of Israel had
been taken captive to Assyria. The
advance guard of the House of
Israel already had begun to arrive
in the British Isles before Ezekiel's
vision and wr iting.
et , Ezekiel is a prophet to the
House of Israel. (Not to be con–
fused with the modern J ewish
nation of Israel. These J ewish
people are actually descendants of
ancie nt J udah.) H is prophecy
applies to the far
the captivity of ancient Israel ,
which had occurred more than
years befare he wrote.
Notice Ezekiel's message, a
prophecy for the future, is pri–
mar ily for the House of Israel
2:3; 3: 1,
4-7) .
In chapter 3, beginning verse
17, Ezekiel is set a watchman to
warn the House of Israel.
Message to Israel , Not Judah
Not ice! Beginn ing c hapter 3:
A fter the prophet "eats t he
roll" - that is, receives the pro–
phetic warning message-he is to
"go speak unto the house of
Israel "-not to the Jews among
whom he dwelt.
Remembe r he is already
among the captives of J udah. But
the Eterna! says to him, "Go, get
thee unto the house of Israel"
(verse 4).
S urely we do not need to
pause here to explain to readers
that the twelve tribes of Israel
had long before this divided into
two nations- the
ten tribes
being the H ouse of I SRAEL,
while J udah, Benjamín and Levi
composed the House of J udah,
who, ONLY, WERE "Jews." For
the benefit of those readers who
do not understand this vital dis–
tinct ion-a ver itable "key" with–
out which the prophecies cannot
be opened to understanding- the
special book
The United S tates
and Britain in Prophecy
is avai l–
able and upon request, a copy
wi ll be sent free.
The J ewish people of today are
descended from t he House of
Judah. But the white, English–
speaking people of the United
States and Great Britain are the
leading " birthright" tr ibes of
Ephraim and Manasseh, heads of
the ten-tribed House of Israel.
Ezekiel's message is for
day-and it is, therefore,
a mes–
sage for America and Britain,
Notice chapter 4. The prophet