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Gene H. Hogberg
T he fragile societies in Cent ral America have been torn by
revolutions for years. Why, un t il now, has
the U.S. been oblivious to the mounting danger?
in Central
America is sudden–
ly big news-every
Communist terror ists have
been stymied-for now- in
their attempt to ignite a civi l
war in E l Salvador.
In neighboring Nicaragua,
Marxists revolutionaries are busi–
ly "consolidating their power"–
academic terminology for elimi–
nating political opposition.
Leaders of other governments
throughout Central Amer ica wor–
ry that they might be abandoned
to foreign-based revolution.
U.S. Waklng Up?
For years, United States officials
have been busily engaged in
explaining away the tactics of
Cuba and other radical left ist
movements undermining legiti–
mate, often r ightist, governments
in the region. Now, at last, Wash-
ington, under the new Reagan
administration, shows signs of
opening its eyes.
is beholding .;
the real dangers to Free World
interests resulting from the esca-
lating violence.
On February 12, the U .S.
government publicized docu-
ments proving that tons of weap-
ons are flowing to the leftist
guerri llas fighting to overthrow
the U.S.-backed government in
El Salvador. The weapons are
being supplied by way of a
worldwide communist network
extending from Moscow various–
ly through Cuba, Nicaragua,
Vietnam and Ethiopia. Even the
Palestine Liberation Organiza–
tion is involved.
Many of the arms are left over
from the huge cache of U.S.
weapons hastily abandoned in
Vietnam after the U.S. defeat
U.S. envoys took Washington's
mounting concern over events in
Central America to governments
throughout the Western Hemi–
sphere a nd to Europe- even
Yugoslavia. Sorne U.S. allies have
been reluctant to recognize the
real instigators of the spreading
lt is clear now that the Rea–
gan administration has chosen to
make a test case over El Salva-
IN SAN SALVADOR, capital of revolution·wracked El Salvador, farm workers dem·
onstrate in support of a po/ícy of agrarian reform. New centrist junta has enacted
many reforms, but troubles persist. The revolutiona(y left, backed by the Soviet
Union and Cuba, is attempting to take over government by force.