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be from sea even to sea, and from
the river even to the ends of the
earth " (Zechariah 9: 1
For thousands of years, Jews
have awaited a Redeemer or great
Del iverer foretold by the prophets
of old. The word
from the Hebrew word
meaning "anointed." (The Greek
equivalent is
Many Christians likewise await
a Messiah- J esus the Christ–
who promised his disciples that
he would come again (John 14:3).
The New Testament book of
Revelation pictures J esus C hrist
return ing with a heavenly army to
"smite the nations and . .. rule
them with a rod of iron" (Revela–
t ion 19: 15). At that time, voices
in heaven are prophesied to
declare: "The kingdoms of this
world are become the kingdoms
of ou r Lord and of his Christ; and
he shall reign for ever and ever"
( Revelat ion 11: 15) .
Moslems also expect a Messiah
("divi ne ly g uided
one" ) from the family of Moham–
med, who will restore pure reli–
gion and usher in a golden age.
Since the Moslem Mahdi will be
exercising functions not unlike
those prophesied for the Chris–
tian Messiah, there has arisen
some confusion among Moslems
regarding the Mahdi's role with
respect to that of J esus (whom
they call l sa), whom Moslems
accept as the sinless, though not
divine, prophet.
Sorne Moslems believe that
J esus will descend
Mahdi and together kili the infa–
mous " Antichrist." O thers say
that following t h e Mahdi's
appearance t he Antichrist will
rise to oppose him, but Jesus wi ll
descend from heaven and kili the
Antichrist. Still others feel Jesus
will return
Mahdi , citing a
(t r aditiona l sayi ng of
Mohammed) t hat asserts, "There
is no Mahdi save Isa ibn Maryam
(Jesus the son of Mary]"- a dec–
larat ion with whicb Christians
would readily agree.
Wi t h the coming of this mes–
sianic "Prince of Peace" (lsaiah
9:6)- the ..des ire of al! nat ions"
(Haggai 2:7)- the great dream
symbolized by President Sadat's
World Peace Center will be
achieved on this ear th. T hat com–
ing is fast approaching!
Just beyond our troublous times
lies the utopian World Tomorrow.
God's Government wil l be re–
stored to this earth. At that time
"the law sha l l go forth of
Zion ... and they shall beat their
swords into plowshares and their
spears into pruninghooks: nation
shall not lift up a sword against
nation, neither shall they learn war
any more" (Micah 4:2-3).
World peace will become real–
ity. It will not be based on fragi le
treaties, tenuous compromise or a
precarious "balance of power,"
but on obed ience to the eternal
Law of God- the Ten Command–
Former antagonists will join
hands in international coopera–
tion. "I n that day," declares the
prophet l saiah,"shall Israel be the
third with Egypt and with Assy–
ria, even a blessing in t he midst of
the land: whom the LORDof hosts
shall bless, saying, Blessed be
Egypt my people, and Assyria the
work of my hands, and rsrael
mine inheritance" ( lsaiah 19:24-
25). President Sadat's World
Peace Center points forward to
that wonderful t ime!
Thr ee centu ri es ago, the
English poet J ohn Milton wrote,
" Peace hath her victor ies, no less
renowned than war." Certai nl y
the Mount S inai World Peace
Center is one of these victories on
man's arduous, 6,000-year road
toward global peace. o
Personal f rom...
(Cominuedfrom f)(Jf!,e 1)
a marriage of two, a family of
severa! or a football team, a quar–
terback or a coach has to call the
signals, and all MUST respond to
the order or lose the game-lose
the home and happy family life.
The ques tion comes up in t he
recommended a r ticle, "Now
They Want to De-Sex the Bible."
God simply is not either sex–
God is all-knowing, all-powerful
spirit-composed d ivine FAMILY.
But one member of that origi–
nally two-member divine Family,
known as "the WoRo" (J ohn 1:1-
4, 14), was made human flesh ,
born of a human woman , but
fathered by the divine Goo, Head
of the divine Goo FAMILY. But
the virgin Mary conceived not by
a physical human male sperm
cell, but by the very Spirit of the
divine Goo. God does not need or
have physical sex organs. Neither
do angels. And those mortals who
do reach their incredible HUMAN
POTENTIAL, in whi ch God is
reproducing Himself through hu–
mans, will no longer have sex
organs - no longe r maJe or
female, but, as Christ J esus said,
be as the angels in heaven- no
sex d ifferences. They shall be
Goo-PERS.ONS. And the one the
Bible calls God t he Father will be
FATHER of that divine Family.
Those of us who attain by H is
grace to this potential shall have
been begotten by God's Holy
Spirit, which flows from the very
Person of God. The physical mate
sperm that imparts human life to
the female ovum is merely the
physical and mater ial type of the
begettal power of the all-powerful
Spirit of Goo! Human reproduc–
tion is the exact physical type of
divine spiritual reproduction .
(See my book
The Missing
Dimension in Sex.)
Those women 's organizations
that d isparage maJe leadershi p, in
love, over the wife, are being
deceived by a wily and evil Satan ,
as was Mother Eve, into opposi–
t ion against t heir own Maker who
gives them the breath they
1 know well it isn't popular
today in human MISthinking to
believe there actually does exist a
Satan the devil. Ah, well! He
knows better t han those he is
deceiving that he now has but a
short time left to deceive a
mixed-up humanity, which has
lost the true values, and in whose
fund of knowledge t here is a seri–
ous ly gaping missing dimension.
T hat invisible "strong hand
from someplace" will very soon,
now, intervene in world affairs, to
take over, rule and reeducate ALL
derfu] WORLD TOMORROW is just
over the horizon! o