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One cannot help but wonder
which Bible she is reading.
All through the Bible God
reveals himself as " he." Both the
Hebrew of the Old Testament
and the Greek language of the
New Testament had an alterna–
tive to the masculine gender. The
female gender could have been
used . Or in sorne cases even the
neuter gender could have been
used. But the masculine is used
Jesus called God his "Fatber"
(John 17:1). He himself was the
of God (Matthew 1:20-23).
As a human infant Jesus was cir–
cumcised according to the law of
Moses (Luke 2:21-23), leaving no
doubt that he was a maJe.
What does God the Father look
like? Jesus said, " He that hath
seen me bath seen the Father"
(John 14:9). J esus looked like the
average Hebrew maJe of bis day.
He could walk through a crowd
without being singular ly recog–
nized (Luke 4:30). (And no, he
did not have long hair- I Corin–
thians 11: 14!)
The Father begat Jesus physi–
cally and spiritually. Spiritually
he also begets all true Christians
In so doing, he
becomes their Father (Matthew
6:9). In fact, if a person is not
begotten by God and if a person
does not grow as a fetus until he
is finally born at the resurrection,
he cannot enter the Kingdom of
God (John 3:3-8). The movement
to demasculinize God strikes at
the very heart of the process by
which God is working out his
Master Plan of salvation! God is
engendering his own Family to
rule with him throughout eterni–
(At this point, if you have not
yet read our free booklet
What Do You Mean- Born
request your free copy. lt
bears directly on the issue we are
Let us also remember that
YHWH-the LORD-was a "hus–
band" to the nation of Israel (Jer–
emiah 31 :32). In Ephesians 5 the
apostle Paul wrote at length about
husband-wife relationships and
March 1981
concluded, "This is a great mys–
tery: but I speak concerning Christ
and thechurch" (verse 32).
Let 's face it.
God were
revealed as female, today there
would be men's libbers clairning
otherwise. Even God cannot satis–
fy sorne people. God is what God
is- Elohim- a spiritual Family
so far composed of but two per–
sons: the Father and the Son.
"La Dlffére nce"
Tbe fact that God is called Father
in no way gives men the right to
be unfair to women. After all, the
"feminine" traits and emotions
that a woman has come from God
surely as a man's masculine
traits do. Did you ever notice that
God's concern for his people is
compared in Matthew 23:37 to
that of a mother hen gathering
her chickens? God's wisdom is
pictured as a woman (Proverbs
8-9). And in Deuteronomy 32:18,
God complains to Israel,
were unmindful of the Rock that
begot you, and you forgot the
God who gave you birth" (Deu–
teronomy 32:18, RSV).
God understands the female
emotions and desires. He under–
stands what she experiences to a
degree no human maJe can.
That's because he designed the
female. He gave her certain
strengths and certain characteris–
tics tbat perfectly complement
the nature he put in the male.
God made the differences in
the sexes for a reason. He wants
the differences to
In bodily shape, in appearance, in
clotbing styles, in reactions and
personality- the differences
should be emphasized, not cov–
ered over by unisex.
The French bave long said:
"Vive la différence!" And most
people have agreed. However if
the current trend were ever to
succeed - it won't - it would
have us all blended ·into one insi–
pid, lukewarm, gray, unisex
Solve one of the biggest puz–
zles in your Bible
The United States, Britain, West–
ern Europe and the Middle East are
soon to be violently involved in a
global eruption. And now you can
know the identity of the great world
powers in biblical prophecy. Re·
quest your free copy of The United
States and Britain in Prophecy
Please send me my free copy of The United
States and Britain in Prophecy. 1 understand
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PC 13