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The Amazing Story Behind the
Keith W. Stump
It was a t Mount Sin ai that God first revealed himself to Moses.
was there
he thundered the Ten Commandments. And it was to Mount S ina i tha t the prophet
Elija h wen t to seek God. Now, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt is moving
ahead wit h plans to construct a World Peace Center at the base of Mount S ina i.
ads seen by mil l ions
across t he United States
a nd ove r seas,
P la i n
Ed ito r-in-C hief He r–
be rt W . Armst ro ng has
made known detai ls of an
important project soon to
get under way at Mount
Thc world press has largcly
ignored this project and its
widc-ranging impl ications.
You need to understand, from
a bíblica! perspect ive, the greal
signi ficance of this endcavor–
occurring in the very shadow of
lhc ' 'mountain of God"!
$70 Mi ll ion Project
At a meeting at lhe Gaza Resi–
denlial Palace in Cairo last
Novembcr, President Anwar Sa–
dal of Egypt showed M r. A rm–
slrong an archi tect's rendering of
a projecled $70 million World
Peacc Cenler he intends to bui ld
at lhc base of Mount Sinai. Presi–
dent Sadal invited Mr. A rm–
slrong lo par ticipate in thc
projecl, and the offer was
gladly accepted. (See Mr.
Armslrong's repor t in
t he Fcbruary, 198 1,
Plain Truth.)
March 1981
Late last Dcccmbcr, architects
visited M r. Sadat and presented to
him a model of t he proposed com–
plex. The model shows a triangu–
lar, walled complcx in lhc side of
lhe mountain, with
masque, a
church and a synagogue at the
three angles- rcprcsenting the
three major faiths lhat recognize
Moses as a prophet.
The architects told the Cairo
press that Mr. Sadat was pleased
with the designs. They said that
he expressed to them his wish to
see the comp lcx "as s imple and
strong as he saw it in the model,
so tha t it wou ld cxprcss the
majesty and hol i ncss of the
The architects are Dr. Abdel
Halim El R imali, an Egyptian
Moslem; P ierre Vago, from
France; and Profcssor Al Mans-
feld, from Israel.
told lhcm thal he wants lo lay thC'
foundalion stone on Novembcr
19, 1981 - the lhird anniversary
of his historie peace tnp to Jeru–
salem. Mr . Sadal reportedly
intends to invite Pope J ohn
and the P residen! of thc
Unitcd States, among others, to
the foundation-stone laying cere–
Architects estímate that com–
pletion of the structun. will •akc
up to three years from '"" day thc
corncrstonc is laid.
Undcrlining the great impor–
tance Mr. Sadat
on thc
project, he reportedl has ex–
pressed his wish to · buricd
there upon his dea1
nd has
written this into
hi ~
' •' The }
grave will probably ._ near thc
"T here is one God,.. Mr. Sadat
explained in an inte rvicw with
last October. "And there
one comrn(ln mis·