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Uniting inOrder toDivide
to ca JJ attention
in this issue to ..
by Clayton Steep.
There is a tendency today to want to
opposites because of hostility- but
usua lly the result is only to produce more
competition and division.
There is a tendency today toward unisex.
Frequently you cannot easily tell whether one
you happen to see is male or female. Women
wear shorter hair and males wear longer hair
until they are about equal length. The barber
trade once made it mostly on shaves. The
safety razor endcd that sort of barber income,
and the electric razor has perpetuated it. So
now the barber shops give men female hairdos
at fancy prices and the younger men fall for
it- and often o lder ones too.
Women wear slacks and maJe pants.
Women filled in men's jobs during World War 1
while U.S. "doughboys" were fighting "over
there." They never went back to the home when
" it was over, over there." World War II put the
fin ishing touches on women assuming men's jobs.
In the postwar period, women have taken university
courses in law, medicine, business administration
and other professions. Today we havc women
lawyers and judges in a rapidly incrcasing measure,
women doctors, and more and more women moving
into executive positions in business and industries.
Meanwbile more and more husbands are
becoming " house- husbands," and homemakers
while their wives work. More and more young
women of around age twenty-five find it difficult to
enter marriage. One woman under thirty, manager
of a large high-quality women's-wear store in a
major city, carne to me for advice. She had chosen
a career and let it cancel out a mari tal engagement
March 1981
sorne years befare. Now she was successful. How
could she respect a man enough to think of
marrying him, if his income was less than hers? At
last she realized she really wantcd most of all
marriage, children and a family life.
Jn sorne universities senior men ready to
graduate find romance for them difficult. They
have grown more timid, have not dcvcloped
leadership qualities, and fear senior girls would
domínate them, so they marry freshmen girls.
Marriage itself is breaking down . People unite in
marriage-only in arder, it sccms too often, to
divide into divorce.
In many arcas there is a tendency toward
uniting, but too often it leads to division.
We bave tried busing to bring about racial
balance in the schools, but in too many cases it has
not proved practica! and has led to more division
and hostility. There has been a tcndency by sorne
to promote interracial marriage and an
amalgamation into one race.
In 1945 1 attended the entirc San Francisco
convention where the cbarter was battled out for
the United Nat ions. They were going to
nations for world peace. In plenary sessions heads
of governments and foreign minis tcrs rang out in
grand oratory that this was the world 's last hope
Thc weapons of mass destruction wcrc
about to be multiplicd that could erase human life
from the earth.
was the theme.
Yet those same orators fought like ferocious lions
or tigers against representativcs of other nations in
closed prívate sessions to gain every possible selfish
advantage for their own nations. The United
Nations has brought no genuine
Dozens of
wars have ensued on the world scene.
And on the domes tic scene women want to
"wear the pants"- and now often do. Many a
young bridc has said, " I want our marriage to be
fifty-fifty"- no one rules. But that is all together
impossible. Whcther it 's
(Continued on page 44)