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varying points of man's perspec–
tive. What is God's perspective–
as revealed in his Word?
Everyone has overlooked a key
prophecy for
our day and age,
which lends understanding to
what the Christian Right is all
How many political scientists,
for example, understand this vital
prophecy: "As for my people,
children are their oppressors, and
women rule over them. O my
people, they which lead thee
cause thee to err, and destroy the
way of thy paths" (Isaiah 3:12).
This prophecy reveals that
God's pattern of family life will
come under severe attack in these
last days!
Now listen to Ms Gloria Stei–
nem, the feminist "spokesperson"
who, along with Eleanor Smeal,
head of the National Organiza–
tion of Women, an ultrafeminist
group, denounced President Rea–
gan during the campaign:
"The ultra-right-wing, using
the smiling facade of Mr. Rea–
gan, is
trying to restore the
authoritarian family ,
said Ms
Steinem, in founding Women
Against the Republican Nomi–
nee, a campaign group that urged
women to vote for President Car–
ter because of his support of the
Equal Rights Amendment. ·
is a feminist
code word. Ms Steinem is
referring to drunken wift<-beaters.
She is referring to families in
which the father's position as
head of the house is respected.
This is too authoritarian for her!
But notice! She used the word
So Gloria Steinem
acknowledges what God's proph–
ets reveal-family patterns have
broken down and therefore are in
need of restoration!
The overlooked significance of
the so-called Christian Right is
that things have gotten so bad
that the churches of this world,
which at least
to take the
Bíble seriously, have been forced
to política! action!
In Alaska, before the presiden–
tia! primaries, the members of the
Moral Majority swamped GOP
district meetings to elect their
own delegates to the state Repub-
February 1981
the true significance
of the Christian
Right is not political:
it is prophetic!
lican convention. At the conven–
tion, they passed a number of res–
olutions, directly contrary to the
general antifamily drift in the
country: against abortion, draft–
ing women, and the White House
Conference on Families (because
ít was stacked against traditional
families), and in favor of the par–
ental right to discipline children.
They also issued the most
remarkable statement for a "po–
litical" party:
"Our country is rapidly turn–
ing into a 20th-century Sodom
and Gomorrah."
The statement is a dramatic
confirmation of a prophecy found
in Jeremiah :
" 1 have seen also in the proph–
ets of Jerusalem an horrible
thing: they commit adultery, and
walk in lies: they strengthen also
the hands of evildoers, that none
doth return from bis wickedness:
they are all of them unto me as
Sodom, and tbe inhabitants there–
or" as Gomorrah" (Jeremiah
23:14) . (Jerusalem, as capital of
ancient Judah, often represents
latter-day descendants of the
ancien t house of Israel and
is a fact that many politi–
cians who earned the wrath of the
Moral Majority have done their
bit to promote values fundamen–
tally at odds to the family as God
ordained it.
For example, the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare
(now split into two departments)
has, for the last severa! years,
pushed regulations against sch9ol
dress codes that "enforce sexual
stereotyping." That is, against
asking boys to dress as boys and
girls as girls. (For God's opinion
of "sexual stereotypes," see Deu–
teronomy 22:5: "The woman shall
not wear that which pertaineth
unto a man, neither shall a man
put on a woman's garment: for all
that do so are abomination unto
the Lord thy God.")
The Department has also tried
to abolish school-sponsored fa–
ther-son dinners and has pushed
coed physical education pro–
grams- all in the name of sexual
In another instance, the federal
government has funded "values–
education" programs, which, as
President Reagan remarked dur–
ing the campaign, "indirectly
teach grade-school children rela–
And then there's the Equal
Rights Amendment-aggressive–
ly pushed by feminists. (As Her–
bert Armstrong likes to say,
mother Eve, when she ate the
forbidden fruit, was the first
advocate of equal rights!) Law–
yers disagree as to exactly what
the ERA will do-though it cer–
tainly will force women to be
drafted and also face an equal
risk of combat-but everyone
agrees that the ERA is
than just a proposed amendment
to the U.S. Constitution.
is a
symbol of how our society views
family life and sex roles: the tra–
ditional pattern where in the
context of the family, men do
certain things and women do
certain things-or the brave new
world of unisex.
What the Moral Majority
people have realized is that the
ERA is a kind of national refer–
endum on family life.
it were to
become part of the American
Constitution, it would perma–
nently enshrine the unisex theory
of law.
Then there's abortion. What
many people whose outlook is pri–
marily secular and humanistic fail
to realize is that abortion is to the
1980s what slavery was to the
is such a monstrous evil
that those who see itas the whole–
sale slaughter of human babies
will not go away and accept it as
part of a women's "right to
choose." The senators
ho were
the targets of the Moral Majority
were universally against taking
the necessary political action (ba-