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Clayton Steep
But they don' t question evolution! Why?
taught in
sc hool that
you are the result of a
gradual process of evo–
lution? That when all
the " missing links" are
finally discovered they
would show the pro–
gression of evolution as
conceived by Darwin?
And if you dared to
question the validity of
Darwin's concept were
you looked at strange–
ly? Even laughed at?
Well , guess what! A
growi ng body of scien–
tists is concluding that
Darwin was not right
after all!
A century has gone
by--a century of
searching for the miss–
ing links essen tial to
hold Darwin's theory
together. I t has become
a ll too evident that
those missing links will
never be found because
they never existed in
the first place.
This does not mean that those
scient is ts who are abandonin g
Darwinism are abandoning the
idea of evolution. They cont inue
to maintain that life evolved--but
not the way Darwin thought it
How did it evolve then? That is
what they would like to find
Classical Darwinism has held that
life evolved from simple forms
to complex forms through the
slow acc umul a t ion of small
changes over many millions or
even hundreds of millions of
years. When a change
occurred , the principie
of competition deter–
mined whether or not
the change was an "im–
provement." This was
known as natural selec–
tion or survival of the
fittest. The whole pro–
cess was gradual and
relatively simple--ac–
cording to the theory.
However, if that is
the way it happened
the story should have
been reflected in the
fossil reco rd . There
should be evidence of a
long unbroken chain of
life forms starting with
minute organisms, pro–
gressively working up
branches of the evolu–
tionary tree to the ulti–
mate complex form-–
man himself. Each link
in the chain should
look a little like the
link befare it and a lit–
~ ~le
like the link after
But, much to the disappoint–
ment of evolutionary scientists,
record of such an unbroken chain
of life forms has not been found.
Not that they haven't looked!
They have very diligently
searched a nd pieced together
what they have unearthed in an