through the United Nations for
establishment of a Jewish state in
Palestine. He told me the Zionist
view. God, he said, had
this land to the nation Israel. I t
had always been called "the
Promised Land." It belonged to
Jews by divine right.
ordained that Jews should be
there, he, of course, had a well–
founded argument. And just
about everybody supposed the
biblical account did affirm the
divine right of Jews to have there
a national state.
But, on the other hand, sheik
Hafiz Wabba told me the Arab
side of the story. It was equally
"Do you feel," he asked me,
"that your American people have
a right to the land of the United
States, including California?"
"Your people have occupied
this country
a nation less than
200 years, and California still a
shorter time." This was said dur–
ing the San Francisco Confer–
ence. "Suppose the Japanese
carne claiming the land of Cali–
fornia by divine right, and
demanded they be allowed to
.move all Californians out, and
make it a Japanese national state.
Would you think their claim val–
id? Well , we Arabs have occupied
Palestine for many times 200
years, and the Zionists want us to
move out and turn it over to
Thus leaders of both Arabs and
Zionists explained to me their
respective view,
to the
United Nations' declaration of
1948 making that part of the land
assigned as "Israel" a national
Jewish state.
But what the Zionist leader,
and the whole world, did not
know- and does not know yet–
is that actually happened after
God promised the land of Canaan
to Abraham and bis descen–
True, the promise was made to
the descendants of Abraham
through Isaac, and not through
Ishmael. And therein líes the very
of the age-long animosi–
ties between Arabs and Jews.
As I stated at the beginning of
this article the entire interracial
antagonism started with the jeal–
ousy between two women over
one roan.
God originally had promised
Abraham, "1 will make of thee a
great nation" (Genesis 12:2) and
later, "thou shalt be a father of
MANY NATIONS" (Genesis 17:4).
Abraham's wife, Sarah, was
barren and childless. This, in
those days, was a reproach for a
wife. So Sarah brought her Egyp–
tian maid, Hagar, to Abraham
asking him to give her a child by
the maid. But when Hagar was
pregnant, she despised Sarah.
Sarah treated Hagar harshly, and
Hagar fled. Hagar became the
mother of Ishmael, who became
the father of twelve princes,
fathers of the Arab world.
God had not caused the preg–
nancy of Hagar, but had, by a
miracle, caused Sarah to become
pregnant when ninety years of
age. Her son was Isaac. God
passed the PROMJSES made to
Abraham on through Isaac, not
through Ishmael, though God
promised Abraham that Ishmael
would be the father of a large
people-which turned out to be
the Arab world.
The promises, the land and
nations (plural) as well as the
messianic promise through
Christ, were passed on to Jacob.
God changed Jacob's name to
Israel. Israel's twelve sons be–
carne the progenitors of the
twelve tribes of Israel. Four
hundred thirty years after the
covenant with Abraham (Genesis
17), when the Israelites were
slaves in Egypt, God led the'm to
the "PROMISED LAND" through
God promised them (Lev. 26)
that if they obeyed His laws in
their national government, as
established through Mases, they
would become the greatest people
on earth, the wealthiest and mili–
tarily the mightiest.
not, the
promises would be taken from
them and restored only after a
duration of 2,520 years.
They never obeyed God's
laws-for long at a time. After
Joshua, the judges, and the
prophet Samuel, they demanded
a kingly government like the rest
of the world. God gave them
Saul, then David, then Solomon.
When Solomon's son, Rehoboam,
became king, Israel rebelled,
making Jeroboam king, later
establishing a new capital at
Samaria. The tribe of Judah, with
that of Benjamín, seceded, taking
the new national name, kingdom
of JuoAH, so that they might
retain Rehoboam
king and
Jerusalem as capital.
The kingdom of ISRAEL, its
new capital at Samaria, as a
people had never been called
"Jews." Only the southern king–
dom of Judah was called Jews.
The first place in the Bible where
the term
is mentioned is
11 Kings 16:6, wbere ISRAEL,
allied with Syria, was at war
against the Jews! The tribe of
Levi joined with the Jews of the
kingdom of Judah .
But the kingdom of ISRAEL,
often called by the national name,
"House of Israel," in the Bible,
ftagrantly disobeyed God . After
nineteen kings in seven dynasties,
they were invaded by Assyria,
721-718 B.C. They were defeated
and removed from their land, tak–
en as slaves to Assyria. Within
about a hundred years they and
the Assyrians had migrated
northwest. The ten-tribed nation
ISRAEL, or "the House of Israel,"
migrated on into western Europe
and Britain. They -lost their lan–
guage, lost their identity. They
had rejected God's Sabbath,
God's signs to identify them as
His people (Exo. 31:12-18). They
became known as the "Lost Ten
Tribes." The world has never
known what became of them, or
where they are today. (See our
The U.S. and Britain in
In 604-585 B.C. King Nebu–
chadnezzar of the Chaldean
Empire-the world's first real
empire-invaded and removed
the Jews of the House of Judah
from their borne in southern Pal-
(Continued on page 39)