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Personal from...
Why is there no daily reminder of the
a far greater problem
than the U.S.-Iranian
hostage crisis. For the first
time since humanity
inhabited the earth, weapons of mass
destruction exist that can erase
mankind from this planet.
Today the
being held
for ransom! Would American·s have
forgotten a ll about the fifty-two
government representatives held hostage, if
they were not reminded daily?
Are we
forgetting- putting out of
mind-that four billion of us
are being held
in danger of human extinction? Do we think
that just by keeping our minds off of it, the
threat to our own survival will just go away?
Are the hard, cold facts too awesome- too
frighten ing- to think sensibly about? Are we
playing ostrich-until it will be too late?
This voice reminds you- there had to be a
CAUSE to bring us to our number one problem
of human survival! And we are pursuing that
same CAUSE with increasing momentum!
Are we deceiving ourselves? Do we reason
foolishly that nuclear and other mass-destruction
weapons are so frightening that no one will
unleash them? No weapon ofincreased mass
destruction ever yet has been produced that was not
used! The nuclear family includes smaller nations
beside theSoviet Union and the U.S.A. A madman
in a smaller nation could set off the nuclear war that
could spread to destroy al! mankind!
What a paradox! This twentieth century has
spawned a man-made civilization of awesome
February 1981
progress. But before our problems, troubles
a nd evils, we and our leaders stand utterly
HELPLESS! There seems no limit to human
accomplishment-in the physical and material.
But our troubles and evi ls are spiritual in
An invisible spiritual Law governs our lives.
That Law is outflowing LOVE.
simpl ify it, and its
transgression, by the simple terms of"GIVE" and
"GET." This world has traveled the way ofthe
"GET" incentive- sel f-centeredness, vanity,
coveting, competition leading to strife, violence and
war! This spiritual Law is as relentless, as
inexorable, as the law of gravity. Break
and it will
break you! The whole world has been breaking
it-and world peace, happiness, universal
abundance and well-being have been taken from us!
1t isn
too late, even now, for a deluded and
misled world, self-exalted by its achievements in
the materialistic sphere, to come awake to its
bankruptcy in the moral and spiritual realm.
But if a self-willed and vain humanity will
not, that unseen "Strong Hand from
Someplace" will intervene very soon in the
world's chaotic affairs, and forestall the
climactic death-blow to the human race. A
stubborn world, ignorant of the TRUE VALUES,
is going to be
to enjoy PEACE
worldwide, with happiness and universal
well-being in abundance! We are goi ng to be
compelled to change our motivations from
"GET" to "GIVE." In spite of us, the wonderful
WORLD TOMORROW will dawn in this
generation! The spiritual Law of "GIVE" will
fill human minds and hearts worldwide, as the
ocean beds are filled with water.
Believe it or not, it is as sure as the rising
of tomorrow's sun.