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pocked surfaces so indicative of
our moon and those of Saturn.
Sir John C. Eccles, a 1963
Nobel Prize winner for physiol–
ogy and medicine, carne face–
to-face with the problem of
whether intelligent life could
arise, without a Creator, sponta–
neously on earth. And whether it
could be doing so in the same
manner elsewhere in the uní–
He said in 1967 that it was a
"fantastic improbability that we
could ever get intelligent life on
earth" and he placed the odds
against it happening in the first
place at 400,000 trillion tri llion
trillion trillion to 1! As a result,
he said , one can hardly imagine it
happening twice in the universe.
How much easier should it be
to believe in an all-intelligent,
all-powerful, supreme Creator.
Man's Destiny and the Universe
King David gazed at the heav–
ens- God's ha ndiwork-and
mused over man's destiny in rela–
tion to it:
Lord ... how excellent is
thy name in all the earth! who
hast set thy glory above the heav–
ens.... When
consider thy
heavens, the work of thy fingers,
the moon and the stars, which
thou hast ordained; what is man,
that thou art mindful of
him? ..." (Psalms 8:1, 3-4.)
David, in verses 5-9, limits
man's dominion
for now
to this
earth, the planet designed for him
to inhabit. But as Editor-in-Chief
Herbert W. Armstrong has ex–
plained continually in the pages
The Plain Truth,
the New
Testament reveals a far more
awesome "dominion" for man.
Says Mr. Armstrong:
"This revealed knowledge of
God's purpose for mankind--of
man's incredible awesome poten–
tial- staggers the imagination.
Science knows nothing of it-no
religion reveals it, so far as I
know- and certainly higher edu–
cation is in utter ignorance of it."
Even to those who have come
to understand God's purpose for
mankind, this incredible future is
perceived "through a glass dark–
ly"- much as earth-bound tele–
scopes strain through the translu–
cency of earth's atmosphere.
Scripture reveals, however, a
time in the future that will be so
stupendous that it defies human
comprehension. The great Cre–
ator will make "new heavens and
a new earth" on a plane so glo–
rious that the "former shall not
be remembered, nor come into
mind" ( Isaiah 65: 17).
The present "heavens being on
fire shall be dissolved" (II Peter
3: 12). Imagine! Countless billions
of stars and innumerable galaxies
d issolving-with their place tak–
en by something far more awe–
some. Countless and innumerable
to man, but not to God!
"For as the new heavens and
the new earth, which
will make,
shall remain before me, saith the
Lord, so shall your seed"-made
immortal-"and your name re–
main" (lsaiah 66:22).
No wonder the apostle Paul
exclaimed, referring to a passage
in Isaiah: "Eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard, neither have entered
into the heart of man, the things
which God hath prepared fo r
them that love him"
thians 2:9).
Most Thrllling Knowledge
Looking at the television pictures
streaming across a billion miles of
space from the planet Saturn was a
thrilling experience. New knowl–
edge of God's far-off creation
th rough s uch fantastic space
probes is exciting, and should be.
How much more thrilling,
Saturnian moon Tethys,
top left, reveals large fracture ot unknown
origin, while the newly discovered irregular
11th moon, immediately above, is probably
a remnant of a larger
Saturn's ring
structure was found to be much more
complex /han original/y thought. lnside
narrow F-ring, top ot picture,
14th moon, discovered by Voyager 1.
however, should be the knowl–
edge of the Creator derived there–
by? How much more exciting
should be the privilege of probing
the depths of the mind and pur–
pose of God in H is revealed
Word? As the apostle Paul ex–
"Oh the depth of the riches
both of the wisdom and knowl–
edge of God."