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the Church. Members do not
elect them. Yet in the churches of
this world sorne believe in govern–
ment by the entire congrega–
tion-"democracy"- and call
themselves "Congregational."
Others have organized themselves
into government by ministers or
presbytery and call themselves
"Presbyterian ." Sorne follow
Luther and call themselves "Lu–
theran." Sorne follow Wesley,
who was strong on "method ," and
call themselves "Methodist."
Sorne learned God's truth about
bapt izing and cal l their church
after the name of that one doc–
trine, " Baptist." One wanted
complete universal world domin–
ion, and called itself "Catholic,"
which means "universal. " A
number, mostly smaller or "pen–
tecostal," saw God's Church
named "the Church of God" 12
times in the New Testament; and
used that as their church name.
Yet none is t ruly the Church
OF Goo, unless it is Goo's
CHURCH, continuing in doctrine,
practice, organization, in all ways
on the original biblical pattern,
headed by Jes us Ch rist, yet
belonging to God the Father,
empowered by the Holy Spirit,
having Goo's TRUTH, fulfilling
Christ's commission of proclaim–
ing His GOOD NEWS of the KING–
OOM OF Goo to the world as a
And there is only ONE such
remains ONE.
In 1 Corinthians 1, the apostle
Paul was inspired to command
that all in the Church "SPEAK
THE SAME THING." There must be
no division in what is believed,
taught or preached .
But what about all the many
organized churches labelled un–
der the category "Christianity"–
some with millions of members?
They are all described in Revela–
tion 17:5: "Mystery, Babylon the
Great the mother of harlots and
abominations of the earth."
Are they, then, evil?
Not consciously or knowingly,
necessari ly. The world of humani–
ty has been CUT OFF from God .
Satan is st ill on ear th's throne,
next in power to Goo Himselfl
And the whole world is DECEIVED
by Satan (Revelation 12:9) .
Those deceived are not aware that
they are deceived . If so they
would not
deceived! They may
be ever so sincere in believing
they are right!
Are they condemned? By no
means! They are simply NOT YET
JUDGEO- neither "lost" nor
"saved." Few indeed realize the
magnitude of Satan's power and
the extent of his DECEPTION!
is SATAN who is evil and
diabolical. But he is an INVISIBLE
being and force-unseen and un–
recognized by mortal humans.
ER! He appears as "an angel of
light" (11 Corinthians 11 : 13-15).
And he has bis counterfe it
CHURCHES! His ministers are de–
ceived by him into believing they
are "ministers of righteousness"
and of C hrist (11 Corinthians
11:15, Matthew 24:5). Yet they
have neither known nor preached
Jesus' true Gospel of THE KJNG–
DOM OF Goo (Matthew 24:14).
Nor do they comprehend what is
written in this book about the
Personal from.. .
(Continued from page 1)
evils, neither did it solve the
world's problems or rid the world
of evils!
"What the world does not
know, and refuses to learn, is that
peace, happiness, contentment,
joy, abundant and universal well–
being are
spiritua/ va/ues-the
"People have been seeking only
"There is a SPIRITUAL
a law of out-fiowing LOVE- the
way of life of helping, serving,
cooperating, sharing. 1 simplify it
by calling it the way of 'give'. Its
transgression is the way of
'GET'--of vanity, coveting, envy
and jealousy, hostile competition,
strife, violence.
"That basic spiritual LA
is as
ACTIVELY in motion as the law of
gravity- as inexorable, as relent–
less, as cer tain! lts punishment
for transgression is the suffering
and anguish humanity is suffering
now-for every trouble, every
evil, has been caused by the way
of 'GET.'
" For 6,000 years the world
has lived the way of 'GET.' We.
measure SUCCESS in life by the
amount one has been able to
'GET'-to accumulate- to TAKE
from others- to HAVE and POS–
"The way of life of 'GIVE' is the
basic spiritual LA
set in motion
by our Maker. But our first par–
ents spurned it and turned to
For 6,000 years the world
has continued on the way of
'GET'--of material possession!
"The world's religions have
tried to set up reügions justify–
ing the materialistic way of
'GET.' Yet that way of 'GET' is
the CAUSE of al! of mankind's
"If we all lived the way of
outflowing LOVE-toward our
Maker and toward each other , in
helping, serving, sharing, mv–
ING!-we would have world UTO–
PIA! There can never be SALVA–
TION, peace, contentment, happi–
ness, joy, universal well-being and
eternal salvation from trouble and
evils until we TURN PROM the
philosophy of 'GET'- repent of
that way-turn to our Maker and
His way of out-fiowing !ove. Yet
6,000 years have PROVEO MAN–
"And so now, just before MAN
utterly DESTROYS mankind, that
'Unseen Strong Hand from
Someplace' is going to intervene
dynamically in human world af–
fairs and save mankind from
itself! 1 am merely a voice crying
out in the spiritual wilderness of
this 20th century, calling on
people to repent of their false
ways, and turn to the God who
gives us the breath we breathe,
and saying, that whether you
believe it or not, that 'Strong
Hand' will intervene to prevent
man from utterly destroying
mankind and usher in a world
living the way of outflowing
LOVE-a soon-coming world of
PEACE, contentment , happiness,
joy, universal well-being, and
eterna! salvation offered to ALL!"