Most of today's news is dismal, foreboding. Just ahead, however, is thrilling news for everyone!
Clayton Steep
Üf late
The Plain Truth
has been repor ting sorne
especially disturbing news. 1n–
creased natu ral d isasters, social
disintegration, economic chaos,
international tensions, prepara–
tions to avoid nuclear war that in
fact could trigger it. Bad news.
One concerned reader writes:
"1 have been reluctant to keep
The Plain Truth
coming as the
last issues were so frighten ing 1
could hardly cope with it. 1 didn 't
want to hear that there was no
future for my grandchildren that
have worked so hard for college
January 1981
degrees and that my coming great
grandbaby would be burned and
drenched in blood.
kili all
our hope-it is all we have!!"
This person is concerned about
the world. And rightly so! No–
body likes to contemplate masses
of people dying in global catastro–
phes in our time.
Such thoughts are, as our read–
er phrased it , frighteni ng, diffi–
cult to cope with. And we of
Plain Truth
staff know it.
J ust take a look at sorne recent
article titles: "20-Year Forecast:
An Inhospitable World;" "Global
Outlook Extremely Bleak;" "En-
ergy Catast rophe Facing the
World;" "Toward a Troubled
21st Century;" "Real Danger to
World Cited as Detente Fades;"
" In the Pentagon's Halls: Visions
of Apocalypse;" "Voices Proph–
esying War."
Articles from recent issues of
The Plain Truth?
No! These are
titles of recent articles from
major mass-circulation news
magazines, newspapers and wire
services. It was only a few years
ago that
The P/ain Truth
practically alone in warning of
the trouble the world is now fac–
ing. Few people paid any ser ious