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ing the normal human mind and
reasoning process-" is enmity
agains t God"? (Romans 8:7).
Noted evolutionist and paleon–
tologist George Gaylord Simpson ,
in his book
This View of Lije,
tells how he examined one partic–
ular evolutionary theory . After–
ward , he said:
" lt casts no light on the ulti–
mate mystery-the origin of the
universe and the source of the
laws or physical properties of
matter, energy, space and time."
On a little further Simpson
" Nothing 1 then learned had
any real bearing at all on the big
and real questions. Who am I?
What am 1 doing here? What is
the world? What is my relation–
ship to it? ...
" 1 believe all adolescents, the
bright equaJiy with the dull , go
through such a phase of incoher–
ent self-questioning and disorien–
tation.... They usually
bury the questions and try to
forget them,
or they settle for
answers that are palpably false."
What a pity that sorne of the
greatest minds in the world have
tossed aside as irrelevant the one
source of information that would
provide the framework to under–
stand the "ultimate mystery."
The Creator Reveals Himself
The very first verse in the
Bible- that most misunderstood
and neglected of all books- plain–
ly states: "In the beginning God
created the heaven and the
earth." The word
in the
King James version should be
translated "heavens," since the
original Hebrew is in the plural.
{This phrase is repeated con–
stantly throug hout the Scrip–
tures, as a brief glance at a Bible
concordance will quickly reveal.
The Bible also refers to heaven in
a three-fold manner. Heaven can
denote, in context, either the
earth 's atmosphere, the celestial
universe or the abode of God's
Verse 16 of Genesis 1 specifi–
cally refers to God having "made
the stars also." This great creator
Being, by virtue of his creat ion, is
spoken of as the "possessor of
heaven and earth" (Genesis
14:19, 22).
God's ownership is more com–
pletely explained in Psalm 89:11:
"The heavens are thine, the earth
also is thine: as for the world and
the fulness thereof, thou hast
founded them."
Thi s great Being revealed
through t he prophet Jeremiah
that "he hath made the earth by
bis power, he hath established the
world by his wisdom, and hath
stretched out the heavens by bis
discretion" (Jeremiah 10:12). In
comparison with this awesome
power and depth of purpose,
"every man is brutish in bis
knowledge" (verse 14).
God "stretched
out the heavens " - in other
words, which, if any, of the com–
mon theories about the origin of
the universe might be more clear–
ly correct-is not nearly as im–
portant as the truth that
God did
do it.
and that he did so with a
great purpose in mind.
To sorne degree a certain
amount of faith is required to
grasp this truth:
"Tbrough faith we understand
that the worlds were framed by
the word of God, so that things
which are seen were not made of
things which do appear" (He–
brews 11 :3).
The r e s hould be nothing
strange in exercising faith-faith
in God- as a condition to under–
standing the whys and wherefores
of the origins of the universe and
aH life. Evolutionary science de–
mands fait h, though most people
do not realize it.
Dr. Harold C. Urey, Nobel
Prize-holding chemist of the Uni–
versity of California at La Jolla,
once explained that "all of us who
study the origin of life find that
the more we look into it, the more
we feel it is too complex to have
evo1ved anywhere." And yet, he
"We al/ be/ieve as an
artic/e of faith
that life evolved
from dead matter on this planet.
is just that its complexity is so
g reat, it is hard for us to imagine
it did"
(Christian Science Moni–
January 4, 1962).
all comes down to which
faith is more plausible, more real–
Lawglver and Preserver
In addition to being Creator, God
is the supreme Lawgiver (James
4: 12). God preserves, sustains, his
creat ion through the laws, both
physical and spiritua1, he has set
in motion .
"Thou, even thou, art Lord
alone; thou hast made heaven, the
heaven of heavens, with all tbcir
host , the earth, and all things that
are therein, the seas, and all that
is therein. and thou
them al/.
.." (Nehemiab 9:6) .
Astronomers and other space
scientists are most frustrated
when thcy see objects-such as
Saturn·s mysterious F-Ring–
seemingly, at first glance, disre–
gard known laws. They are con–
vinced , by their training. to ex–
pect to either find new laws, or a
greater understandi ng of the laws
they already know. (Humans may
break laws but not the physical
heavenly bodics. )
Dr. Edward W. Sinnot, Dean
Emeritus of the Yale Graduate
School , commented nearly 20
years ago, " lf the universe were
not an orderly and dependable
place, science would be meaning–
less, for science is simply a persis–
tent attempt to discover under–
lying regularities among the
complex events in nature. The
more we learn about these events,
the more certain it becomes that
they do not occur at random, but
they follow definite laws."
But what is the source of the
complex laws of the universe?
Your Bible reveals that it is God .
He has "appointed the ordinances
of heaven and earth" (Jeremiah
God's Glory Above the Heavens
God's power is greater than the
sum of his awesome creation. In
dedicating the temple-God's
House on earth- in Jerusalem,
King Solomon prayed: " Behold
(Continued on page 43)