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What Our Readers Say
The article on terrorism in the
September issue of
The Plain Truth
put across in plain language the dan–
gers we face from terrorist groups
around the world. Here in Northern
Jreland we have seen how groups like
the Provisional IRA (PIRA) , the
Ulster Defence Association (UDA)
and the Ulster Volunteer Force
(UVF) can drive two communities
apart. Sorne way must be found to
bring terrorism to heel. May
by quoting from a Northern Treland
magazine called the
Orange Stan–
"Many people placed their
·hopes in groups like the IRA and
UVF hoping that by doing so they
may realise their political views. They
now realise that by supporting such
groups they have only helped to bring
misery to countless thousands."
County Down, lreland
As regards your recent article "Ex–
perts on Terrorism Speak Out!" I
would like to· know why the person
Personal from...
(Continuedfrompage 1)
their minds, He notes all they do."
T hrough inspired prophets,
this same Eternal foretold , begin–
ning 2,500 years ago, the world
events of the future-zeroing in
particularly on our time NOW! All
events prophesied to occur up to
now have happened!- without a
miss! The rest- the climactic cri–
sis of our END time-is certain–
and SOON!
Yet the world's best minds are in
total ignorance of tremendous im–
pending events. Neither religionists
December 1980
interviewed did not include in his list
of so-called terrorists certain coun–
tries which create terror on civilians,
the only d ifference being they have
an established uniform.
know you are only publishing the
results of an interview, but that
means you agree with the answers
when you present tbem with no cov–
ering opinion.
A .M .
Oldham, Lancs.
New Reader Comments
had always been a bit of a skeptic
as far as religion is concerned and
indeed for the last four years
given up going to church after leav–
ing college.
was only a few days
ago, however, that
stumbled upon a
copy of your magazine dated Novem–
ber, 1976, and after reading it from
cover to cover,
feel that it has
transformed my whole life. Every–
thing about christianity and the
human race in general suddenly
seemed to dawn on me for the first
time in my life as having a definite
nor theo logians understand!
WHY? Approximately one third
of all the world's best seller is filled
with PROPHECIES- mostly foretell–
ing our immediate future! Yet the
that unlocks prophecy to
UNDERSTANDING had been lost!
That vital key has been found! But
because it is NOT the doctrine they
have been preaching, evangelical
theologians ridicule it .
That vital KEY is the identity of
the United States and Britain in
biblical prophecy.
Where is the United States
spoken of in biblical prophecies–
especially those pertaining to our
immediate fut u re? Small na-
meaning (to say the least), and
found that
have just managed to
appreciate who I am, what I'm doing
here and above al!, Christ's mission
for mankind here on earth.
Dublin, Ireland
Your statement is wrong regard ing
author and publisher Elbert Hub–
bard. He went down with the ship
[Titanic] on April 14, 1912. 1 am 78
remember .
went down off
Newfoundland coast 900 miles east
of Cape Cod.
The British liner Lusitania [on
which you said Hubbard died] was
carrying supplies to the war zone and
went down May 7, 1915--causing
U.S.A. to go to war.
Elinor A. Webb
29 Palms, Calif.
Author Elbert Hubbard díed at
sea May
1915. The
agrees with Herbert W.
tions-Ethiopia, Libya, Egypt,
Turkey-are mentioned. Russ ia
is mentioned. How could such a
great world power as the United
States be ignored? IT ISN'T! What
you have read on this page is
taken from the introduction of
this revealing book.
We will present it gratis to those
whose unprejudiced eyes are will–
ing •to see.
t is an eye-opening,
intriguing book- 230 pages. You
may have an attractive paperbound
copy, illustrated in color, gratis on
request- with no follow-up. Or, if
you prefer, you may buy (in the
U.S. only) a distinctive hardcover
copy at bookstores. o